# | Assigned | Due | Assignment |
1 | Feb 4 | Feb 12 |
Functional Specification
Use case form: UseCaseForm.docx Formal report rubrics: FormalReportRubrics.pdf |
2 | Feb 16 | Feb 26 | Design Specification |
3 | Feb 25 | Mar 5 | Command-Line Rock-Paper-Scissors Game |
4 | Mar 4 | Mar 19 | RPS Game with Simple Machine Learning |
5 | Mar 23 | Apr 14 | GUI-Based RPS Game |
6 | Apr 20 | Apr 30 | Design Patterns |
Week | Date | Content |
1 | Jan 28 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: RC7mC?rv
Slides: Course objectives; project teams; postmortem report; grading; good applications; change and complexity; how to achieve good design; iterative process; poor design not a failure; Rick's Guitars; iteration #1; problems Example programs: RicksGuitars-1.zip |
2 | Feb 2 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: Y!m?6QF2
Slides: Continued iterations: #2: fix string fields and matches, #3: encapsulate what changes, #4: new attributes, #5: refactored code, delegate the matching task Example programs: RicksGuitars-2.zip RicksGuitars-3.zip RicksGuitars-4.zip RicksGuitars-5.zip |
Feb 4 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: Wu9WT3=A
Slides: Summary; cohesion; loose coupling; OOA&D is about satisfaction; requirements elicitation; functional and nonfunctional; requirements of requirements; how to get requirements; use cases; use case descriptions; Functional Specification; Assignment #1 |
3 | Feb 9 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: +.WHcuh2
Slides: Key points for good design; iterative development; solutions to adding a new mandolin instrument; Instrument and InstrumentSpec classes; abstract classes; revised Inventory class; Guitar, GuitarSpec, Mandolin, MandolinSpec classes; red flags; more instruments; design doesn't scale well; encapsulation to the rescue? Example program: RicksMusic-1.zip |
Feb 11 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: f=2F5n1p
Slides: Revisit our design; encapsulate with a hash map; use the Boost C++ library; boost::any; new attribute classes; the improved design; conclusions Example programs: RicksMusic-2.zip Boost C++ library Install the Boost header files (no need to build the libraries). In each project, tell Eclipse (or use the -I option on the command line) where you installed them. |
4 | Feb 16 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: @9q3cbuh
Slides: Complexity; decomposition: algorithmic and object-oriented; hierarchy; design in software engineering; analysis precedes design; paralysis by analysis; where do classes come from; categories of classes; class responsibilities; class relationships: dependency, aggregation, inheritance; UML class diagrams; Assignment #2 |
Feb 18 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: n@4VC#7Z
Slides: Textual analysis; CRC cards; UML sequence diagram; UML state diagram; proposed C++ Date class; code to the interface; static factory function |
5 | Feb 23 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: 7=a@uaCN
Slides: Day class implementations; importance of encapsulation; principles; accessors and mutators; dangerous setter; no surprises Example programs: Day1.zip Day2.zip Day3.zip |
Feb 25 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: &5@ZU5Nh
Slides: Immutable objects; sharing references to mutable objects; const fields; separate accessors and mutators; side effects; Law of Demeter; how good is an interface?; cohesion; completeness; convenience; clarity; consistency; Assignment #3 |
6 | Mar 2 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: .LLvZ6k!
Slides: Programming by contract; preconditions; circular queue example; assertions; exceptions; postconditions; class invariants; proof of a class invariant; interface invariant vs. implementation invariant; interfaces; RPG game; code to the interface; factory class Example program: AssertExample.cpp |
Mar 4 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: q4#H1V3=
Slides: Interface variables; objects and interfaces; simple machine learning for RPS; Assignment #4; inheritance; superclasses and subclasses; class hierarchies; Liskov Substitution Principle; overridden member functions; polymorphism; invoke a superclass member function; invoke a superclass constructor; invoke a constructor from another; preconditions and inheritance; postconditions and inheritance; more inheritance conditions; examples: point-circle-rectangle, vector-stack Example programs: Employee1.zip Employee2.zip PointCircleRectangle.cpp VectorStack1.cpp VectorStack2.cpp | |
7 | Mar 9 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: Wg5t5=la
Slides: SimUDuck simulation game; code reuse; delegation; abstract superclass; "has a" often better than "is a"; virtual destructors Example programs: SimUDuck.zip VirtualDestructor1.zip VirtualDestructor2.zip |
Mar 11 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: #nnj90Hm
Slides: Overloading vs. overriding; operator overloading; pointers vs. references; use of references; midterm review; requirements meeting video Requirements video |
8 | Mar 16 | Midterm |
Mar 18 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: L^8GJj4Us
Slides: Midterm solutions; Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture; software frameworks; building and installing wxWidgets button demo; GUI-based Rock-Paper-Scissors screenshots Example wxWidgets program: ButtonDemo.zip |
9 | Mar 23 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: 23k6MF*R
Slides: Installing wxWidgets on MacOS and Ubuntu; inversion of control; Hello World demo; button demo; button event handlers; Assignment #5 Student's tutorial: How to install on Windows Example wxWidgets program: HelloWorldApp.zip |
Mar 25 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: #AN0$BHA
Slides: Review: object-oriented design basics and principles; design patterns; shared pattern vocabulary; how to use design patterns; the Strategy Pattern; weather monitoring station example; subscriptions; Observer Pattern defined; observer pattern UML; loose coupling; weather station design and implementation; display elements implementation; Observer Pattern summary Example program: WeatherStation.zip |
10 | Apr 6 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: 0A!s=dFj
Slides: Starbuzz Coffee example; initial design; second design; open-closed principle; the Decorator Pattern; UML; Starbuzz design, implementation, and test; Decorator Pattern caveats Example program: Starbuzz.zip |
Apr 8 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: g8R1pFv+
Slides: new => concrete; Pizza shop example; simple pizza factory; pizza store framework; PizzaStore subclasses; factory method; abstract and concrete Pizza classes; Factory Method Design Pattern Example program: PizzaFactory.zip |
11 | Apr 13 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: ?N845iF.
Slides: Adapter Design Pattern; turkey adapter example; Facade Design Pattern; home theater example; principle of least knowledge |
Apr 15 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: =G4eB2ii
Slides: State Design Pattern State Design Pattern example programs: Gumball-original.zip Gumball-winner.zip |
12 | Apr 20 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: SfB8=BWj
Slides: Iterating over a container; Iterator Design Pattern; common iterator API; iterator example; part-whole hierarchy; tree component; subtree component; composite example; Composite Design Pattern; Assignment #6 Example programs: IteratorPattern.zip CompositePattern.zip |
Apr 22 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: !3B?vxdU
Slides: Lambda expressions; arrays of objects; constructors and destructors; vectors of objects; copy constructor; "extra" constructor and destructor calls; how a vector grows; dynamic arrays of objects; mysterious program crash; shallow copy; deep copy Example programs: Person.h lambda1.cpp lambda2.cpp lambda3.cpp BirthdayArray.zip BirthdayVector.zip BirthdayCopyCtor.zip BirthdayDynamic.zip BirthdayDeepCopy.zip |
13 | Apr 27 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: G&+H2G$@
Slides: dynamic arrays of objects; mysterious program crash; shallow copy; deep copy A "safe" array type; overloaded assignment operator; overloaded subscript operator []; copy constructor; the "Big Three"; auto; decltype SafeArray example 1: (crashes) SafeArray1.zip SafeArray example 2 (operator =): SafeArray2.zip SafeArray example 3 (fix operator =): SafeArray3.zip SafeArray example 4 (another fix operator =): SafeArray4.zip SafeArray example 5 (overload []): SafeArray5.zip> |
Apr 29 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: $31+N3Wy
Slides: Exception handling; function objects; templates Exception handling examples: exception1.cpp exception2.cpp exception3.cpp Function object examples: RandomInt.h RandomIntTester.cpp Summation.h SummationTester.cpp Template function example: TemplateExchange.h ExchangeTests.cpp Template class example: TemplatePair.h PairTests.cpp SafeArray example 7 (template): SafeArray7.zip |
14 | May 4 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: 1&2V&H?c
Slides: Standard Template Library (STL); iterators; containers; stl::list; stl::forward_list; stl::map; STL algorithms Vector iterator examples: IteratorVector1.cpp IteratorVector2.cpp STL list example: ListTest.cpp STL map example: STL-Map.zip STL algorithms example: AlgorithmsTest.cpp |
May 6 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: $u4=C1M0
Slides: Raw pointers vs. smart pointers; unique pointer; shared pointer; move semantics; the "Big Five" Example programs: SmartPtrUnique.zip SmartPtrShared.zip Message.h TestMove.cpp |
15 | May 11 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: b?9tr48?
Slides: Multithreaded programming; single-threaded and multithreaded Fibonacci example; pthread library; concurrency vs. parallelism; race condition; critical regions; shared resources; mutual exclusion; shared printing example; condition variables; producer-consumer model; unsynchronized and synchronized queue example; a multithreaded program example Example programs: FibonacciST.cpp FibonacciMT.cpp PrintNoMutex.cpp PrintMutex.cpp QueueNoSync.cpp QueueSync.cpp OfficeHour.cpp |
May 13 |
Zoom recording
Passcode: &?9jDr8d
Project presentations |
Department policy is to enforce
all course prerequisites strictly
SE Majors: CS 046B (C- or better)
CMPE Majors: CMPE 126 (C- or better)
Computer Engineering or Software Engineering Majors Only.
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable
Object-Oriented Software Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides Addison-Wesley Professional, 1994 978-0201633610 |
Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation:
An Integrated Approach, 2nd edition Brahma Dathan and Sarnath Ramnath Springer, 2015 978-3319242781 |
Some useful tutorials for my classes where the preferred platforms for application development are MacOS X and the Ubuntu distribution of Linux. Windows 10 may present significant compatibility challenges.