Chris Pollett > Students >

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    [C297 Proposal]

    [Paper 1: Large-scale IRLBot crawl PDF]

    [Paper 2: Distributed Crawler Architecture PDF]

    [Paper 3: Scalability Challenges PDF]

    [Paper 4: High Performance Priority Queues PDF]

    [Deliverable 1: Yioop Ranking Mechanisms PDF]

    [Deliverable 2(ii): Modifying Yioop's UI Editor]

    [Deliverable 3: Modifying Yioop's queuing process]

    [Deliverable 4: Yandex Signal PDF]

    [CS 297 Report PDF]

    [C298 Proposal]

    [C298: Yandex-inspired Search Factors]

    [C298: Latest Page Version in SERP]

    [C298: Disjunctive Queries in Yioop Search]

    [CS 298 Report PDF]

    [CS 298 Report Slides PDF]

Deliverable#2: Modifying Yioop's Wiki Editor UI

A/B Testing Documentation

I asked five users to compare the existing wiki editor UI with a few modified versions based on appearance and understandability. This demographic included varying ages and technical fields to collect a well-rounded set of opinions. To do so, I asked them to perform a set of basic tasks on each and share their feedback (possible improvements, which had better learnability, etc) to finalize the design.

Current UI
Original editor

File Upload Area
Original File Upload Area

User Demographic

  1. UI/UX Engineer (30 yo)
  2. Frontend Engineer, current MSCS student (25 yo)
  3. Current BSCS sophomore (20 yo)
  4. QA Engineer (24 yo)
  5. Undergraduate Professor, Web Technology (39 yo)


  1. Display: Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate
  2. Add hyperlink to the SJSU homepage (
  3. Create a simple grocery list (ordered/unordered/definition)
  4. Create a complex list (combination)
  5. Change text alignment
  6. Add horizontal line between two lines
  7. Insert h2 and h4 headings
  8. Insert a table with header, two columns, and three rows
    nation bender
    air aang
    fire zuko
    earth toph
  9. Add and use search placeholder for "tropical beach"
  10. Upload (any local pdf/txt file) to main page


Editor Prototype 1

  • Overall Appearance: 100% users liked this design more than the previous
  • Icon understandability:
    • Non-formatted text: 60% users had to try using it with the "show" button to understand
    • Ordered list: Unanimous approval
    • Definition list: 20% users had to try using it with the "show" button to understand
    • Left/Right alignment: Unanimous approval
    • Table: Unanimous approval
Additional Feedback
  • Add more spacing between the top margin (page:main bar) and the wiki editor bar
  • Remove individual boxes around tools (lesser distraction)

Editor Prototype 2

  • Changed icon for non-formatted text
  • Removed boxes around individual buttons
  • Increased margin between the top margin (page:main bar) and the wiki editor bar
  • Overall Appearance: 80% users liked this design more than the previous
  • Icon understandability:
    • Non-formatted text: Unanimous approval

File Upload Area

File Upload Area Prototype 1

  • Removed box and background color from the upload file area
  • Overall Appearance: 80% users liked this design more than the previous
Additional Feedback
  • Retain background color around upload file area
  • Add more spacing between wiki editor textbox and upload area

File Upload Area Prototype 2

  • Changed background color to lightgrey
  • Increased upload-box margin to 4px vertically
  • Overall Appearance: 80% users liked this design more than the previous