Chris Pollett > Students >

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    [C297 Proposal]

    [Paper 1: Large-scale IRLBot crawl PDF]

    [Paper 2: Distributed Crawler Architecture PDF]

    [Paper 3: Scalability Challenges PDF]

    [Paper 4: High Performance Priority Queues PDF]

    [Deliverable 1: Yioop Ranking Mechanisms PDF]

    [Deliverable 2(ii): Modifying Yioop's UI Editor]

    [Deliverable 3: Modifying Yioop's queuing process]

    [Deliverable 4: Yandex Signal PDF]

    [CS 297 Report PDF]

    [C298 Proposal]

    [C298: Yandex-inspired Search Factors]

    [C298: Latest Page Version in SERP]

    [C298: Disjunctive Queries in Yioop Search]

    [CS 298 Report PDF]

    [CS 298 Report Slides PDF]

Project Blog

Week#13 (May 2)

Meeting log:

  1. Completed Deliverable#4 (Yandex signals research)
  2. Went over Paper [4]: High-Performance Priority Queues for Parallel Web Crawlers
For the upcoming weeks:
  1. Submit 297 report

Week#13 (Apr 26)

Meeting log:

  1. Completed Deliverable#3 (queueing modifications) implementation
For the upcoming weeks:
  1. Begin with Deliverable#4 (read up on Yandex signals)
  2. Read [4]: High-performance priority queues

Week#12 (Apr 19)

Meeting log:

  1. Discussed Deliverable#3 (queueing modifications) implementation

Week#11 (Apr 11)

Meeting log:

  1. Discussed Deliverable#3 (queueing modifications) implementation
For the upcoming weeks:
  1. Continue implementation for Deliverable#3
  2. Fix PHP deprecation warnings in executables/QueueServer.php

Week#9/10 (Apr 4)

Meeting log:

  1. Discussed strategy to implement Deliverable#3 (queueing modifications)
For the upcoming weeks:
  1. Upload patch for UI wiki editor fixes
  2. Start implementation for Deliverable#3

Week#8 (Mar 21)

Meeting log:

  1. Discussed UI fix (wiki editor) modifications
  2. Discussed approach to begin Deliverable#3 (queueing modifications)
For the upcoming weeks:
  1. UI fixes
  2. Change A/B test documentation to html
  3. Chalk out strategy for Deliverable#3 (queueing modifications)

Week#7 (Mar 14)

Meeting log:

  1. Discussed a/b testing for UI fix (wiki editor)
For the upcoming week:
  1. Upload patch for UI fix and document a/b testing results

Week#6 (Mar 7)

Meeting log:

  1. Went over Paper [2]: Distributed web crawler architecture and [3]: Scalability Challenges in Web Search Engines summaries
For the upcoming week:
  1. Begin UI fix for wiki editor (part of Deliverable#2)

Week#5 (Feb 28)

Meeting log:

  1. Checked PHP 8.2 deprecation bug fix patch
For the upcoming week:
  1. Read Paper [2]: Distributed web crawler architecture
  2. Read Paper [3]: Scalability Challenges in Web Search Engines

Week#4 (Feb 21)

Meeting log:

  1. Went over Paper [1]: Around the web in six weeks: Documenting a large-scale crawl summary
  2. Discussed how to begin with Deliverable#2 (Fixing PHP 8.2 deprecation bugs)
For the upcoming week:
  1. Modify and upload summary for Paper [1]: Around the web in six weeks: Documenting a large-scale crawl
  2. Create account on Yioop's issue tracker
  3. Begin working on PHP 8.2 deprecation bug fix

Week#3 (Feb 14)

Meeting log:

  1. Went over Ranking Mechanisms summary
  2. Discussed possibilities for bug selection for Deliverable#2
For the upcoming week:
  1. Wrap up Deliverable#1
  2. Read Paper [1]: Around the web in six weeks: Documenting a large-scale crawl

Week#2 (Feb 7)

Meeting log:

  1. Set up account and project page
  2. Finalized project schedule
  3. Discussed reference papers
  4. Discussed overview of relevant Yioop files in codebase
For the upcoming week:
  1. Finish project page on student portal
  2. Study Yioop's ranking mechanisms and codebase

Week#1 (Jan 31)

Meeting Log:

  1. Introductory meeting
  2. Finalized project deliverables, weekly meeting schedule
For the upcoming week:
  1. Complete proposal
  2. Find research papers for reference