Project Blog:
May 18, 2015: Project Defense.
May 12, 2015: Project Meeting.
May 5, 2015: Project Meeting.
Preview feature added for an advertisement on a Create Advertisement form.
Done performance testing and user acceptance testing for a noval auction system.
Submitted 2nd draft of the CS298 report. Report submitted to the committee members.
Demoed user interface to show the relevant advertisement.
Project defense scheduled on May 18, 2015 at 11 AM.
Assignment: Prepare presentation for project demo.
April 28, 2015: Project Meeting.
First draft of CS298 report submitted.
Demoed user interface to show the relevant advertisement.
Assignment: Add a preview feature of an advertisement on a Create Advertisement form. Do performance testing and user acceptance testing for a noval auction system. Make suggested changes in report.
April 21, 2015: Project Meeting.
Modified updating a bid amount algorithm.
Implemented and demoed algorithm to show relevant advertisements on a search results page.
Assignment: Design an user interface to show the relevant advertisement on a search results page. Discussed about the final project report.
April 14, 2015: Project Meeting.
Demoed implementation for updating a bid amount associated with the keyword.
Discussed about changes in the equation which calculates the update factor.
Discussed about the approach to display relevant advertisements.
Assignment: Make suggested changes in implementation of updating a bid amount algorithm for update factor. Implement algorithm to show relevant advertisements on a search results page.
April 7, 2015: Project Meeting.
Demoed UI changes. Modified algorithm of calculating the minimum bid required to get "expensive keyword" from a list of associated keywords.
Partially implemented algorithm for updating a bid amount associated with the keyword. Discussed further steps regarding same.
Assignment: Implement algorithm for updating a bid amount associated with the keyword.
March 31, 2015: Project Meeting.
Demoed implementation for calculating minimum bid required. Decided to add expensive keyword label so that user get know which is the expensive keyword among associated keywords and they can adjust their keyword association to revise the minimum bid required.
Discussed about implementation of updating a bid amount associated with the keyword.
Discussed about UI changes in create advertisement form. "Edit keywords" and "Checkout" buttons should only appear when user clicks on "min bid required".
Assignment: Implement algorithm for updating a bid amount associated with the keyword. Make suggested UI changes. Add "expensive keyword" label for user.
March 24, 2015: Project Meeting.
Spring break : No meeting
March 17, 2015: Project Meeting.
Changes done to Edit Advertisement module.
Discussed about auction system. It includes calculating the minimum bid required and updating a bid amount associated with each keyword on creating a new campaign.
Assignment: Implement algorithm for calculating the minimum bid required.
March 10, 2015: Project Meeting.
Developed and demoed create advertisement module.
Discussed about Edit advertisement feature.Changes suggested from earlier design. Now, Edit option will appear on same page with create advertisement. Page will have table
of all created advertisement. User will have edit option on table.
Assignment: Work on Edit advertisement module. Come up with basic architecture for auctioning system.
March 6, 2015: Project Meeting.
Activity added for create advertisement. DB changes made. Demoed workflow.
Discussed about create advertisement workflow.
Assignment:Develop create advertisement module.
Feb 27, 2015: Project Meeting.
Discussed about how to add advertisement activity. Demoed Business user role feature. Advertisement activity will only be available to business users.
Discussed about UI changes for displaying activity(show/hide advertisement activity based on authorization).But decided to delay this change.
Assignment:Add advertisement activity to Yioop.
Feb 17, 2015: Project Meeting.
Discussed Adding business role. User With business role will have access for advertisements where he can create advertisement.
Assignment:Add Business user role to Yioop.
Feb 10, 2015: Project Meeting.
Discussed about design of online advertisement system. Created mock ups for same.
Mock ups include work flow of advertisement system which include creating/editing advertisement,ranking advertisement and auction system. Mock ups are good. Approved.
Feb 3, 2015: Project Meeting.
Dec 16, 2014: Project Meeting.
CS297 report reviewed and approved.
Yioop patch approved with some suggestions for mobile platform and languages which are written left to right.
Demoed implementation of retrieving relevant ads for search query. New approach works well.Output of deliverable is as expected.
Discussed CS298 proposal.Worked on it and got approval on same day.
Dec 9, 2014: Project Meeting.
Incorporated review comments for Yioop patch.
Reviewed first draft of CS297 report.
Implementation for retrieving relevant ads from search query was not working as expected with current approach. Currently, we are building input document vector to
ads considering all keywords from retrieved docs. Now, discussed making document vector considering only associated words which are very next to search keyword.
Assignment : Incorporate review comments for CS297 report and yioop patch. Code changes for retrieving relevant ads as per discussed approach.
Dec 2, 2014: Project Meeting.
Discussed about CS 297 report and what is needed in the report.
Reviewed patch of deliverable 2.Changes suggested as files not merged cleanly.
Had some doubts regarding program of retrieving relevance ads from user's query. Discussed about how we can use documents retrieved as a result of search to find
relevance ads.Discussed about how we can retrieve keywords from that documents and use that as input vector for finding relevant ads.
Discussed about creating vector model for individual ad treating each ad as a separate document and then apply cosine similarity algorithm to find relevant ads using document vector created by retrieving keywords of documents from search result.
Assignment : Complete CS 297 report. Modify Cs 297 proposal based on deliverables completed in this semester. Incorporate review comments on patch and create a new patch.
Implement program to find relevant ads for user's query.
Nov 25, 2014: Project Meeting.
Implemented and demoed program for finding document relevance using cosine similarity for a given search query.
Discussed about how we can retrieve relevant ads from ads database. Decided to use keywords from the retrieved documents as input vector for
retrieving relevant ads.
code review of implementation of configuring ad server in Yioop.
Assignment : write program to find relevant ads for the user's query using cosine similarity ranking algorithm using discussed approach.
Create patch of deliverable 2: Implementation of configuring ad server in Yioop.
Nov 18, 2014: Project Meeting.
Discussed on class diagram for online auctioning system. Some changes suggested to follow model-view-adapter pattern.
Demoed program for creating Bag of words model. Discussed about cosine similarity ranking algorithm.
Assignment : Study BM25 model of computing relevance. Write a program to find relevant documents for a given search query
using cosine similarity ranking algorithm.
Nov 11, 2014: Project Meeting.
Veteran's day : No meeting
Nov 4, 2014: Project Meeting.
Discussed architecture diagram for online auctioning system. We agreed on high level architecture.
Discussed about Bag of words model and How we can we it to display content based ads.
Assignment : Draw class diagram of online auctioning system.Study different relevance algorithms used find document relevance.
Oct 29, 2014: Project Meeting.
Demoed Configuration part of Ad Server integrated with Yioop.
Discussed about UI changes for Ad location on search results page.
Suggested to look into Data Cleaning for user entered Ad script.
Assignment : Come up with High level architecture for bidding portal. Host Yioop in some domain to try AdSense.
Oct 21, 2014: Project Meeting.
Discussed about how to execute javascript entered on configuration on search results page.
Discussed possible options including executing it on server settings page itself and then sending output to results page.
Other is executing script on search results page load. Decided to work on 2nd approach as we need runtime rendering of ads.
Discussed about displaying rendered result from script on data. We can do it using Web layout or adding element to search results page under div tag.
Decided to work with adding it under div.
Checked Google AdSense account requirements. It needs some hosted application in domain to start with and it should be developed using defined standards.
Assignment : Executing ad script on search results page.
Oct 14, 2014: Project Meeting.
Demoed configuration of Ad script for one Ad location (TOP ) from available options. Working as expected.
Discussed about adding generalization using locales for configuration settings of Ad Server.
Discussed about how a entered script would work due to some string HTML entities.
Discussed about global ad script of Adsense and why it is useful.
Assignment : Get Google AdSense account and try with Yioop.
Oct 7, 2014: Project Meeting.
Discussed about Adding configurable Ad location options under server settings on Yioop.
Presentation on When Can I Trust an Average Rating on Amazon?.
Sep 30, 2014: Project Meeting.
Presented on the topic how Google Adsense works?
Demoed the configuration changes done under server settings. Discussed the changes that need to be made in it and discussed about required further implementation to configure ad server.
Reading assignment : Chapter 5 (When Can I Trust an Average Rating on Amazon?) from Networked life.
Sep 23, 2014: Project Meeting.
Discussed about Google AdWords and AdSense.
Discussed about how we can configure Advertisement window location in Yioop. Finally, agreed on adding the configuration under server settings.
Reading assignment : Chapter 2 (How Google AdSense works ?) from Networked life.
Sep 16, 2014: Project Meeting.
Discussed about Yioop high level workflow.
Added frame element added on Yioop search results page.
Decided to find information about working of Google AdSense and Yahoo AdChoices.
Sep 9, 2014: Project Meeting.
Finalized proposal for CS297.
Shown program to extract email body from email account.
Discussed about how to classify emails into personal or non-personal using binary classifier.
Sep 2, 2014: Project Meeting.
Discussed about Naïve Bayes classifier.
Decided to write binary classifier to classify emails as personal or non-personal.