Example program: rotating_camera_demo.c
CS-116A: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Instructor: Rob Bruce
Fall 2016

This program demonstrates how to animate or move the camera in OpenGL. The program draws three spheres on the screen: one red, one green, and one blue. Then the camera rotates in a cicular motion around the three spheres. The camera remains focused on the three spheres as it rotates around them.

The full source code for rotating_camrea_demo.c is available at http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/~bruce/programs/fall_2016_cs_116a/rotating_camera_demo/rotating_camera_demo.c

A Makefile to build this code on your Linux solid state drives is available at http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/~bruce/programs/fall_2016_cs_116a/rotating_camera_demo/linux_makefile/Makefile (right mouse click then select "Save Link As..." to download)

A Makefile to build this code on Mac OSX is available at http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/~bruce/programs/fall_2016_cs_116a/rotating_camera_demo/osx_makefile/Makefile (right mouse click then select "Save Link As..." to download)

NOTE: Make sure you DO NOT call your Makefile Makefile.txt

Your Makefile should be called simply Makefile with NO EXTENSION.

At a terminal on the command line, enter "make" in the same directory where you downloaded rotating_camera_demo.c and Makefile.