CS175Fall 2014Lecture Notes

Mobile Device Development

Videos of lectures are available.

Below are my lecture notes for the class so far. They should serve as a rough guide to what was covered on any given day. Frequently, however, I say more in class than is in these notes. Also, I tend to dynamically correct typos on the board that might appear in these lecture notes. So caveat emptor.

Week 1: [Aug 25 -- Introducing iPhone and Android Development] [Aug 27 -- Your First Mobile Apps]

Week 2: [Sep 1 -- Labor Day][Sep 3 -- Android Demo, Objective-C]

Week 3: [HTML 5 - Our Second iPhone App] [Actions, Outlets, UI Elements, More Objective-C]

Week 4: [Sep 15 -- Android Layouts, Activities, and Intents] [Sep 17 -- Version Control, Git]

Week 5: [Sep 22 -- Finish Git, GitHub, More iPhone Controls] [Sep 24 -- More iPhone Controls, Understanding Javascript]

Week 6: [Sep 29 -- Finish Orientation in HTML 5, Putting Apps on Phones] [Oct 1 -- Autorotation, Logging]

Week 7: [Oct 6 -- Android IU, Rotations, Persistence] [Oct 8 -- Local Storage, Tasks]

Week 8: [Oct 13 -- Practice Midterm] [Oct 15 -- Midterm]

Week 9: [Oct 20 -- Multiview Apps, Networking Android] [Oct 22 -- Networking, Android UI]

Week 10: [Oct 27 -- iPhone Networking] [Oct 29 -- Tables iPhone; HTML 5 Networking; Android TableLayout and ListView]

Week 11: [Nov 3 -- Android Graphics] [Nov 5 -- OpenGL Android]

Week 12: [Nov 10 -- Shader Remarks, GPS, iOS graphics] [Nov 12 -- iOS Graphics, Sensors]

Week 13: [Nov 17 -- iOS Game Projects, Touch Events] [Finish iOS Touch Events, Multimedia HTML 5 and Android]

Week 14: [Nov 24 -- Multimedia on iPhone] [Nov 26 -- Maps]

Week 15: [Dec 1 -- Android Maps, WebGL] [Dec 3 -- User Experience]