Chris Pollett > Students >

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    [C297 Proposal]

    [D1:Dataset Overview - pdf(ipynb)]

    [Deliverable 1]

    [Deliverable 2]

    [Visualization Techniques - pdf(Slides)]

    [Deliverable 3]

    [Deliverable 4]

    [CS 297 Report PDF]

    [C298 Proposal]

Deliverable 3:Binary Classification on a Cell type of Heart Data


Performed a few Binary Classification algorithms on Cardiac Muscle Cell of Heart data from Tabula Sapiens Dataset. The goal is to see how well the algorithms can classify the Cardiac Muscle cells from other cells.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Download and install Python, Anaconda and Jupyer Notebook.
  2. Download Tabula Sapiens - Heart Dataset from CZ Biohub website.
  3. Install anndata, scanpy, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn python packages.
  4. Execute the classification and clustering code snippets one after the other as mentioned in Juputer Notebook(ipynb) file.


  1. Implemented Logistic Regression Binary Classification on Cardiac Muscle cells.

  2. Added a binary label and predicted cardiac muscle cells.
  3. LR cardiac prediction
  4. The accuracy of Logistic Regression on cardiac muscle cells is 99.04%.
  5. LR cardiac accuracy
  6. Implemented Support Vector Machine Binary Classification on Cardiac Muscle cells.

  7. Added a binary label and predicted cardiac muscle cells.
  8. SVM cardiac prediction
  9. The accuracy of Support Vector Machine on cardiac muscle cells is 99.13%.
  10. LR cardiac accuracy