Chris Pollett > Students >

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    [CS297 Proposal]

    [CS 297 Report PDF]

    [CS298 Proposal]

    [CS298 Report PDF]

    [CS298 Oral Defence Slides PDF]

    [Deliverable 1: CacheRefresh MediaJob]

    [Deliverable 2: Implement MLDC Algorithm]

    [Deliverable 3: Implement STDC Algorithm]

    [Deliverable 4: Implement SSDC Algorithm]

    [Understanding Yioop PDF]

    [Scalability Challenges PDF]

    [Cache Aware strategies PDF]

    [ML Based Cache Algorithm PDF]

    [Static Topic Dynamic Cache PDF]

    [Static Semi-Static Dynamic Cache PDF]

    [Query Statistics]


I am Computer Science graduate student who likes to play badminton and cook delicious food. I love making Indian dishes fusion with American, Italian, Mexican, and Chinese. Apart from this I am looking for ways to use my skills in technology to do good for the society. If you have any idea or project focused in solving social problems hit me up for the contribution.