Chris Pollett >
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[ Unity Hands-on ]
[CS 297 Proposal]
[Deliverable 1 ]
[Deliverable 2]
[Deliverable 3]
[Deliverable 4]
[Skeleton Based Action Recognition-PDF]
[CS 297 Report-PDF]
[CS298 Proposal]
[CS298 Final Report-PDF]
[CS298 Final Presentation-PDF]
Project Blog CS 298
Week 9 - April 13, 2021
- Shown the demo of LeNet5 Model for 3 classes.
- Finalized the ASL classes : Hello, Help, Dollar, Washroom, Food, Okay, Hand Wave.
- Discussed about OpenPose Model to get the 2D co-ordinates of the human skeleton in any input video.
- Discussed about training the model with just 2d co-ordinate data and make RG images instead of RGB images and draw insights.
- Work on interface that has 5 webpages as part of the detected action's response.
- Develop Unity Dataset with 3d co-ordinates generated in Unity.
- Train the model with any one class with RG images instead of RGB.
- Gather dataset for Help, Dollar, Washroom ASL.
- Train the LeNet5 Model for all the finalised classes.
- Develop a basic UI for responding to the detected signs.
Week 8 - April 6, 2021
- Shown the demo of SVM Model for 3 classes.
- Discussed about different CNN model to use for training the model : SqueezeNet and LeNet 5.
- Develop a CNN Based model for these 3 classes.
- Train the model for Unity generated video dataset.
SPRING BREAK : March 30 - April 5 2021
- Studied Transfer Learning.
Important Points:
- When the amount of training data is not sufficient to adjust all parameters which causes an overfitting. In this case, transfer learning and fine-tuning are used.
- Transfer-learning (or shallow retraining) v/s Fine-tuning (or deep retraining)
References :
(PDF) Leveraging Pre-trained CNN Models for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition. Available from: [accessed Apr 06 2021].
Week 7 - March 24, 2021
- Generation of csv file having 60 class lables and 3d joint points of the generated temporal image dataset to be used for CNN.
- Keras based Le-Net model creation.
- Discussion on Le-Net architecture for recognition.
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) Image Classification for 3 classes to analyse the precision and recall of this temporal dataset for prediction.
- Start training on basic CNN model.
Week 6 - March 16, 2021
- Demo of RGB images geneartion from 3D joint points.
- Pre-processing for CNN : Resize and Normalise the images.
- Discussion about using CNN to do image recognition on these RGB image dataset.
Week 5 - March 9, 2021
- Successful transformation of motioncapture sequences into a simple spatio-temporal RGB image-like representation.
Week 4 - March 2, 2021
- Took the skeleton related files from NTURGB and parsed it to create 3 matrix : R,G,B
- NTURGB Datasets
Week 3 - Feb 23, 2021
- Presentation on Faster RCNN model.
- Detailed discussion about Window Proposal Network from Action Recognition Paper.
- Study and understand few ASL action recognition datasets from this list of ASL Datasets
- Try to create image from 3d joints.
- Start trying the Faster RCNN model with window proposal network.
Week 2 - Feb 16, 2021
- Discussion about the categorizing 3d coordinates into various body parts.
- Discussion about Window Proposal Network from Action Recognition Paper
- Crop the Okay Sign video dataset.
- Try Open Pose Model for our cropped video dataset
- Study "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks".
- Create presentation for Faster RCNN.
- Study about processing video dataset into frames to pass it into the model.
Week 1 - Feb 9, 2021
- Kickoff meeting and idea discussion.
- Discusses about the plan for the semester : Build Action Recognition Model, Creation of User Interface, Working on Dataset.
- Start working on Action Recognition Model
Week 0 - Feb 2 - 5, 2021
No Meeting
- Cs298 Proposal Submission
- Got Cs298 Add Code
Project Blog CS297
Week 15 - Dec 15, 2020
- CS297 Final Report Submission and "CR" received.
Week 14 - Dec 8, 2020
- CS297 Final Report review.
Week 13 - Dec 1, 2020
- Submission of Deliverable 4 : video dataset of Bone Points Detection for Okay Sign.
- Cs297 Draft Report review.
Week 12 - Nov 24, 2020
- Discussed the progress so far.
- Deliverable 4. discussion about Bone Points Detection on the videos of Okay Sign.
- Presentation on Action Recognition Model.
- Final Submission on Dec 8.
- Try to make Okay Sign a better.
- Upload Deliverable 2.
- Read about Skeleton Detection
- Try to use script for video creation
Week 12 - Nov 17, 2020
- Discussed the progress so far.
- Instructions to start writing report.
- Proposal Review. Draft 1 due on Dec 1.
- Deliverable 4. discussion about Skeleton Detection instead of model on Okay Sign.
- Final Meeting would be on Dec 8, 2020.
- Final Submission on Dec 8.
- Try to make Okay Sign a better.
- Upload Deliverable 2.
- Read about Skeleton Detection
- Try to use script for video creation
Week 11 - Nov 10, 2020
- Animation Clip of avator doing wave. Work on hands in the animation. They should look good for better accuracy.
- Work on hands in the animation. They should look good for better accuracy.
- Work on it to make it do Okay sign.
Week 10 - Nov 3, 2020
- Shown about Humoind Avator Rigs Configuration and how I created a OK Sign.
- Shown bookshelf created from a signle table and placed in the room near humoid avator.
- 5 signs that we may take for humoid figure : Dollar, Name, Thank You, Help, Home.
- Discussion about Deliverable 3 expectation of the Unity Movie from various angle.
Discussion about Final Deliverable - OK Sign or Not OK Sign Detector
- Deliverable 4 is to create a model capable of detecting the hand gesture sign (OK Sign) of human.
- Create Animation for the OK Sign.
- Deliverable 3 : Unity Moview - Generate 5 videos from diffierant angles to capture the actions of humanoid to be used for model training.
- Submit Deliverable 2.
Week 9 - Oct 27, 2020
- Shown demo of my Unity projects where a human (Avator: Elizabet Warren) & a cartoon human avator figure was placed in a Washroom having a Mirror, Sink, Door and side table in a Room.
Elizabet was talking to the character by using hands & face moveemnt. The cartoon character was waving back to her.
- Discussion about creating a shop where 1 shelves would be placed and 1 human figure doing an OK sign as part of deliverable 2.
- Learn about Rigs
- Create the room where the bookshelf and avators are placed.
- Learn how to make the avator do the OK Sign.
- Finaly create the unity project by placing the humanoid figure doing OK sign in a room.
- Think about atleast 5 signs that we can take up this humoid figure
Week 8 - Oct 20, 2020
MidTerm Week Break
Week 7 - Oct 15, 2020
- Shown demo about a Unity projects where a human figure was placed in a 3D space and was capable of doing some actions on press of key : Juml, Move Left/Right, Move Forward/Backward in a 3d space.
- Start Deliverable 2: Discussion about creating a shop where 2 shelves would be placed and 1 human figure doing an OK sign as part of deliverable 2.
- Do a tutorial on Unity.
- Create a project with 1 human doing OK sign.
Week 6 - Oct 6, 2020
- Shown demo about a Unity projects where a human figure was placed in a 3D space and was capable of doing some actions on press of key : Juml, Move Left/Right, Move Forward/Backward.
- Start Deliverable 2: Discussion about creating a shop where 2 shelves would be placed and 1 human figure doing an OK sign as part of deliverable 2.
- Do a tutorial on Unity.
- Start Deliverable 2: Create a project with 1 human doing OK sign in 3d space.
Week 5 - Sept 29, 2020
- Shown demo of LeNet5 Model for ASL Alphabets Detection.
- Submitted Deliverable 1.
- Discussion about next milestone and to get handson on Unity.
- Do a tutorial on Unity.
- Learn about Object Placements in a 3d Space.
Week 4 - Sept 22, 2020
- Discussion about the intial CNN model we have: how many conv2d, max pooling layer, activation, epoch size .
- Discussion about LeNet-5
- Try and experiment with the CNN layers and its parameters
- Study about LeNet-5 architecture
- Create a document/ppt about my understanding of terminologies of CNN
Week 3 - Sept 15, 2020
- Review of the proposal
- Discussion about the developing a CNN for static American Sign Language detection using PyTorch and/or OpenCV.
- Finalised the alphabets of ASL for detection project. Dropped J & Z as it needs motion detection.
- Code a basic CNN to detect static ASL.
- Create a short presenation on Motion Detection using OpenCV.
- Gather datasets for other sign languages.
Week 2 - Sept 1, 2020
- Project Overiew, Auidence Analysis, Deliverables Finalization.
- Plan for the Project and list of deliverables Finalised.
Questions :
- What is the best way to give feedback?
- What kind of security cameras will support motion detection?
- PyTorch & OpenCV Study
- Read research papers on Sign Language Detection.
- Update the website with timelines & task in CS297 Proposal webpage.
Week 1 - Aug 25, 2020
- Kickoff meeting and idea discussion.
- Discusses about the demand of American Sign Language using Statistics from NIDCD.
- Find 4 concrete things that will help in project.
- Write draft CS297 proposal
- Update the website with Bio and Idea Description.