Chris Pollett >
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Project BlogMay 13, 2020 Defense date Apr 28, 2020 Give the report for the commit members To-Do : Prepare the presentation/defense slides Apr 21, 2020 First deliver of the report To-Do : Make some modification on the report Apr 14, 2020 Keep going on the report To-Do : Fnish the report Mar 31, 2020 Have done some test of DQN. Compare it with Q-learning, Based rule, random To-Do : Begin to write the report More test on DQN models and other models. Mar 17, 2020 Finish the DQN model To-Do : Doing some tests for the DQN model and the other algorithm models. Compare the results. Mar 10, 2020 keep working on DQN model To-Do : Finish the DQN model and begin to test Mar 03, 2020 Working on the building DQN model To-Do : Keep woking on the DQN model Feb 25, 2020 Show the example of simple DNQ and talks about the different of Tensorflow 1.0 and 2.0 To-Do : Begin to build the DNQ for DouDiZhu Feb 18, 2020 Talks about the DNQ. To-Do : Figure out the differences of Tensorflow 1.0 and 2.0, do a simple DNQ example. Feb 18, 2020 Find out the Tensorflow 2.0 and try the official example of Tensorflow. Talks about the DNQ. To-Do : Read paper or something about DNQ December 10, 2019 Finish the DouDiZhu with Based-Rule. Finish the CS297 report. Talks about the errors in the personal webpages. To-Do : Upload all my deliveries (3 and 4). And check the webpage errors and change them. The last modify of the report and upload it to the website. December 3, 2019 Talks about the draft of CS297 report. Modify the report. To-Do : Keep working on the Based-Rule for DouDiZhu. And still working on the CS297 report. Novermber 26, 2019 Finish the DouDiZhu with simple Q-learning. analysis of the results from this model. And decide to re-implement an existing method: Based-Rule for DouDiZhu. To-Do : Begin to do the last delivery four: Based-Rule for DouDiZhu. And prepare the CS297 report draft. Novermber 19, 2019 Finish the decomposition part of DouDiZhu. Talks about how to design the structure of Q-learning for DouDiZhu To-Do : Finish the last part of the code: the Q-learning strategy for DouDiZhu. Novermber 12, 2019 Finish the check card rules, and compare rules of Q-learning with DouDiZhu. To-Do : Still Keep working on the DouDiZhu with Q-learning code. Novermber 5, 2019 succeed to Connect the Python server with JavaScript client. Talks about how to use the Q-learning in DouDiZhu To-Do : Keep going on the DouDiZhu with Q-learning code. October 29, 2019 Analysis of the results from the Q-learning of blackjack; talks about how to use the Q-learning in DouDiZhu, and how to connect the Python server with JavaScript client. To-Do : Figure out the way to connect the Python server with JavaScript client October 22, 2019 Keep going on simple Q-learning of blackjack To-Do : Finish Q-learning of blackjack October 15, 2019 Finish the Dou Di Zhu application and deliver it. Talks about the next steps, a python server or use some tools to connact the js server and python. To-Do : Begin to prepare simple Q-learning with simple card game. October 01, 2019 Talk about what is Q-learning, and show more detail about the code of game To-Do : Finish the game application and start to prepare the simple Q-learning for an poker game September 24, 2019 Talk about what I have done on my project, and about paper 'Combinational Q-Learning for Dou Di Zhu' To-Do : Continue on my project and read paper about Q-learning September 17, 2019 Talk about what I have done on my project To-Do : Continue on my project and read paper September 10, 2019 Discussed about what I read and how to play Do Di Zhu To-Do : Begin to do the application of Do Di Zhu that can played by humans September 3, 2019 Discussed improvements in the project proposal To-Do :
Make the suggested changes to the project proposal