CS297-298 Project News Feed
- Showed the urls extracted from the places database
- Need to use this data to draw the graph
- Dr.Pollett asked to look at about:me add-on in FireFox
- Need to look whether these data could be used for the visualization
- Dr.Pollett asked to look at about:me add-on in FireFox
- Need to look whether these data could be used for the visualization
10/25/2011 Eight project meeting
- Discussed about the next task to be done.
- Upload deliverable 1
- Try to complete deliverable 2
10/25/2011 Seventh project meeting
- Discussed about the svg and canvas. And which one to use
- I need to implement the force based algorithm for the next meet
10/11/2011 Sixth project meeting
- Showed the sample svg files created
- Discussed about the Force-based algorithm
- Dr.Pollett asked to present the paper in the next meeting
09/27/2011 Fifth project meeting
- Showed the output got by running Vijaya's Extension
- Dr.Pollett asked to contine working on using the Sqlite database for storing the clicked links
- Also, start looking for an algorithm(like, Force-Based) to display points
09/20/2011 Fourth project meeting
- Showed the preference page for the firefox extension
- Dr.Pollett asked to run Vijaya's Extension
- Also, add the feature to store the clicked links using SQLite
09/13/2011 Third project meeting
- Gave a demo on how to create a simple firefox extension.
- For the next meeting, Dr.Pollett asked to continue working on the preference page.
09/06/2011 Second project meeting
- Dr.Pollett gave access to upload the proposal and update Bio
- For the next meeting, Dr.Pollett asked to create a simple firefox extension and demo it
08/30/2011 First project meeting
- Discussed the project in detail, worked on 297 Proposal with Dr. Pollett