CS156Fall 2017Lecture Notes

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Videos of lectures are available.

Below are my lecture notes for the class so far. They should serve as a rough guide to what was covered on any given day. Frequently, however, I say more in class than is in these notes. Also, I tend to dynamically correct typos on the board that might appear in these lecture notes. So caveat emptor.

Week 1: [Aug 25 - Syllabus]

Week 2: [Aug 28 - What is Artificial Intelligence, Agents] [Aug 30 - Problem Solving Agents]

Week 3: [Labor Day - No Class] [Sep 6 - `A^star`-algorithm, Python]

Week 4: [Sep 11 - More Python] [Sep 13 - Generators Python Objects, Classes, Exceptions]

Week 5: [Sep 18 - More `A^\star` and Beyond] [Sep 20 - Local Search Algorithms]

Week 6: [Sep 25 - Finish Adversarial Games, Constraint Satisfaction] [Sep 27 - Solving CSPs]

Week 7: [Oct 4 - Practice Midterm 1] [Oct 6 - Midterm 1]

Week 8: [Oct 9 - Finish CSPs] [Oct 11 - Logical Agents]

Week 9: [Oct 16 - More Logic, Propositional Logic, Theorem Proving] [Oct 18 - Resolution]

Week 10: [Oct 23 - DPLL, First-Order Logic] [Oct 25 - More First-Order Logic]

Week 11: [Oct 30 - Practice Midterm 2] [Nov 1 - Midterm 2]

Week 12: [Nov 6 - Finish First-order Logic Overview] [Nov 8 - Planning]

Week 13: [Nov 13 - More Planning] [Nov 15 - Knowledge Representation]

Week 14: [Nov 20 - Nonmonotonic logics, Quantifying Uncertainty] [Nov 22 - Thanksgiving Break]

Week 15: [Nov 27 - Probabilistic Inference, Probabilistic Agents] [Nov 29 - Learning From Examples]

Week 16: [Dec 4 - Neural Nets] [Dec 6 - Nonparametric Learning]