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Working in Mars Mission Control, JPL

Ronald Mak

Department of Computer Science
Summer Semester 2015

Office hours: TuTh: 2:00-3:00 PM
Office location: MacQuarrie Hall, room 413
Mission Control, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
NASA Mars Exploration Rover Mission

CS 146: Data Structures and Algorithms

Section 1: TuTh noon-1:55 PM, MacQuarrie Hall 422


# Date Due Project
1 June 2 June 8 Text Search

Input: War and Peace

A solution using a state transition matrix:    output.txt    searcher.xlsx
A solution using switch statements:    output2.txt
2 June 11 June 22 Indexed List

A solution to Assignment #2   output.txt
3 June 23 July 3 Binary Search Trees and AVL Trees

Binary tree printer:
Sample output for Part 1: BST   AVL  
4 July 7 July 13 Insertion Sort and Shellsort

Sample output
5 July 14 July 24 More Sorting Algorithms

A solution to Assignments #4 and #5:    Sample output


Date Content
June 2 Slides: Course objectives and learning outcomes; introduction to algorithm analysis; how well does an algorithm scale; Towers of Hanoi recursive solution and analysis; solving a recurrence relation; proof by induction; big-oh; omega; theta; little-oh; compare growth rates; general rules for computing running time; scalability of different algorithms; Assignment #1
June 4 Slides: Review of proof by induction; another induction proof example; arrays; raw ArrayList; ArrayList<Integer>; boxing and unboxing; raw Comparable interface; SimpleShape and subclasses; Comparable<SimpleShape>; covariance; type parameters

Examples of Array and ArrayList: (deliberate errors in and
June 9 Slides: Primitive and reference types; type erasure, function objects; how to say T(N) = O(f(N)); logarithms in algorithm analysis; binary search; abstract data type (ADT); List; ArrayList advantages and disadvantages; LinkedList advantages and disadvantages; singly and doubly linked lists; node access time, Java collections framework; Iterable interface; node delete time; remove() methods; ListIterator interface; Java nested classes

Example binary search:
Example Lists:
June 11 Slides: State transition diagram and matrix; a solution to Assignment #1; a new List type; IndexedList; Assignment #2; insertions into a sorted list; use of binary search to find the insertion position; multithreaded insertions

Insertions into a sorted list:
June 16 Slides: The Stack ADT; stack implementation; stack uses; solve the Towers of Hanoi puzzle with a stack instead of recursion; the Queue ADT; queue implementation; multithreaded producer-consumer problem

Towers of Hanoi (with stack solution):
June 18 Slides: Trees; tree implementation; tree traversals; preorder; postorder; binary trees; binary search trees; inorder; binary search tree ADT: min, max, contains, insert, remove; binary search tree animation applet

Binary search tree:
June 23 Slides: AVL trees; balancing AVL trees with rotations; AVL tree implementation; Assignment #3; printing binary trees; splay trees
June 25 Slides: B-trees; proof that the average time for a BST operation is O(log N); priority queue ADT; priority queue implementation as a binary heap; binary heap implementation as an array; heap-order priority; heap insertion and deletion
June 30 Slides: Build a heap from scratch; proof that the runtime of buildHeap() is O(N); review for the midterm
July 7 Slides: Midterm solutions; a solution to Assignment #2; sorting; insertion sort and analysis; Shellsort; Assignment #4
July 9 Slides: Insertion sort vs. Shellsort; heapsort; mergesort and analysis; mergesort for linked lists; partitioning; picking the pivot; quicksort; mergesort vs. quicksort; sorting animations
July 14 Slides: Analysis of quicksort: worst case, best case, average case; general lower bound for sorting; Assignment #5; bucket sort and radix sort; sorting with a card sorter; external merge sort for magnetic tape

Sorting exposed:
July 16 Slides: Disjoint set class; properties of an equivalence relation; dynamic equivalence; disjoint set as a tree; union/find; array implementation; find and union operations; smart union algorithm; union-by-size; union-by-height; disjoint set class; path compression; maze generation; graphs: uses and terms; graph representation; topological sort

Maze generation tutorial: Maze Tutorial
July 21 Slides: Topological sort; unweighted shortest path; weighted least cost path; Dijkstra's Algorithm; Assignment #6; minimum spanning tree (MST)
July 23 Slides: Minimum spanning tree (MST); Prim's algorithm; Kruskal's algorithm; graph traversal algorithms; depth-first search; breadth-first search; hash tables; hash function; collisions: separate chaining, linear probing; keys to successful hashing; collision resolution; quadratic probing; load factor; double hashing; rehashing; Java support for hashing
July 28 Slides: Dijkstra's algorithm revisited; greedy algorithms; job scheduling algorithm; Huffman's algorithm; divide and conquer algorithms; multiplying two large integers; dynamic programming algorithms; the knapsack problem; ordering matrix multiplications; common subproblems of dynamic programming

Example dynamic programming:
July 30 Slides: A solution to Assignment #5: split a linked list, concatenate two sublists, mergesort, merge; string algorithms; longest common subsequence (LCS); recursive algorithm for LCS length; LCS with dynamic programming; string pattern matching algorithms; brute search; Knuth-Morris-Pratt; KMP next[] array; KMP pattern matching

Example LCS:
Example brute and Knuth-Morris-Pratt pattern matches:
Aug 4 Slides: Algorithm running times; easy vs. hard problems; reductions; polynomial running times; determinism vs. nondeterminism; nondeterministic machine; NP; traveling salesman problem; NP-complete; P; Is P = NP?; review for the final exam

Course description

Implementations of advanced tree structures, priority queues, heaps, directed and undirected graphs. Advanced searching and sorting (radix sort, heapsort, mergesort, and quicksort). Design and analysis of data structures and algorithms. Divide-and-conquer, greedy, and dynamic programming algorithm design techniques.


Math 30 Calculus I
Math 42 Discrete Mathematics
CS 49J Programming in Java
or equivalent knowledge of Java
CS 46B Introduction to Data Structures
A grade C- or better for each course.
Department policy is to enforce
all course prerequisites strictly.

Required textbook

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, 3rd ed.
Mark Allen Weiss
ISBN: 978-0-13-257627-7