Chris Pollett > Students >

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    [Project Blog]

    [CS297 Proposal]

    [Struts Presentation - PDF]

    [Deliverable 1]

    [Deliverable 2]

    [Deliverable 3]

    [Deliverable 4]

    [CS297 Report - PDF]

    [CS298 Proposal]

    [CS298 Report - PDF]

    [CS298 Presentation - PDF]


CS297 Project News Feed

Meeting Date Discussion Topics Feedback To Do
March 8,2011 Couldn't attend the meeting so posting the blog. Worked on the edit mode of the model component. Add the relationship interface for the model component.
March 1,2011 Discussed about the next features to be added. Worked on the model creation module to add fields to the database table. Add the tool tip to the Delete icon and work on the edit mode.
Feb 22,2011 Discussed about the integration with view component and model component. To identify the file based on its type using either folder name or any user annotation. To work on identify the file and open the design mode accordingly.
Oct 19,2010 Discussed about the designing components for the model and hibernate for Java models. Integrated the code and showed the file structure creation on new project creation. To work on the designing components for the model.
Oct 12,2010 Discussed about the editor tools for designing the model component. Integrated the code and showed the customized editor and opening a file in it. To work on the slit mode i.e. design and source for a file.
Sept 28,2010 Discussed about the integration of code for common functionality. Showed the file creation and editor implementation. To work the customization of the editor.
Sept 14,2010 Discussed about the Editor and showed the project creation. Created the default structure of the new project once the user creates a project. To work on refreshing the file display on creation.
Sept 7,2010 Discussed the Project structure for the IDE. The default project structure should be created on new project creation for the user. To work on the creation of the new project.
August 31,2010 Discussed the final features to be provided in the project. Setup the database and created the tables. Creating the Project file structure in the server and reflecting them in the UI.
May 5, 2010 Submitted the first draft of CS 297 report. Suggested some modifications to the report. To prepare the final version of the report with suggested modifications.
April 28, 2010 Presented expandable tree structure for controllers files and methods. To modify the code to popup a menu list when model object is dropped onto the controller name. Prepare CS 297 report for all the deliverables.
April 21, 2010 Presented the creation of model and fields. Also showed the creation of composition and generalization relation between model components. To modify the code to provide the generalization relation on right click menu. Create generalization relationships between the objects on right click menu selection. To provide an option to edit the table names.
April 7, 2010 Presented the creation of models and adding fields to it. On right click, a menu is displayed to add new fields and delete the model object. Work on the model component. Create 'has a' and 'is a' relationships between the objects.
Mar 24, 2010 Presented the results of YSlow for JQuery and GWT. Also discussed about the building of a model component. Work on the model component. To work on the model component. Create database tables and 'has a' and 'is a' relationships between the tables.
Mar 17, 2010 Showed the performance test using YSlow for JQuery and GWT. Also presented the structure of the database tables for IDE. Discussed the changes and implementation of meta files for storing file information. To do performance testing to compare JQuery and GWT deployed on the same environment. Prepare design architecture for storing the database table relationships and how to show them in a UML diagram.
Mar 10, 2010 Presented demo pages using JQuery and GWT. Also showed a rough draft of the design document. To do performance testing to compare JQuery and GWT. Prepare design architecture of the IDE.
Mar 3, 2010 Presented the report on design architecture of the web-based IDE "Aurorasdk". Setup Aurorasdk on system and make it work. Prepare a rough draft for the design architecture of the IDE.
Feb 17, 2010 Presented Demo project in Struts2 framework i.e. Deliverable 1. Study the design architecture of the web-based IDE "Aurorasdk" - Deliverable 2. Prepare a presentation of functionality and limitations of the IDE.
Feb 10, 2010 Presentation on Struts and Struts2 Prepare a demo project on struts2. Present a demo project to create and save a file on server.
Feb 3, 2010 Discussed about a demo application i.e. Deliverable 1 and details about the project. Prepare PPT for presentation on Struts. Learn and prepare a ppt on Struts.
Jan 27, 2010 Dr.Pollett created project folder and assigned a task to upload CS 297 Proposal and bio. Configured Eclipse and Tomcat on my system and doing some practice programs. Learn Struts Framework.