Deliverable 1
Goal: The objective here to test a simple Hello World program for the Android Platform
Download Deliverable 1
The zip file contains the source code for Hello World program on Android platform and the files described below:
1) - It has the source code for the program.
There are two ways for coding this application. I have used the "programmatic" UI layout. This means that The UI needed for your application is constructed directly in source code.
The other ways is XML based layout. In this you can create all the UI elements like text boxes, buttons etc within the "main.xml" file and assign them unique id's. Then you can refer to these UI elements in your main source code with these unique id's.
2) - This file is like an index to all the resources that you have defined in your application. Resources here could be the images, strings etc that you use in your application. This file is auto-generated. All the images can be found under the directory res/drawable. The hello world icon which shows in the main launcher window of emulator is stored under this folder.
3) AndroidManifest.xml - This is a required file for every application. It has a a single <application> element, within which are defined your application's Activities, Content Providers, Services, and Intent Receivers, etc.
Screenshot of hello World on emulator
Fig 1. Figure below shows the hello world in launcher window |
Fig 2. Figure below shows the hello world running on the emulator |