Chris Pollett > Students > Smith

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    [CS297 Proposal]

    [Creating Vectors]

    [Film Resources]

    [CS297 Write-Up - pdf]

    [Deliverable 1: Parser]

    [Deliverable 2: Liner]

    [Deliverable 3: Training Set]

    [Deliverable 4: Lister]

    [CS298 Report - pdf]

    [CS298 Code - zip]

    [CS298 Defense Slides - pptx]

Deliverable 4: The Lister Tool

The Lister Tool is the End Product and comes in two parts

  • The Vector Populator - utilizes the training sets to create the vectors for the Naive Bayes algorithm
  • The Vector Populater GUI
  • The Lister Tool - takes a script and the vector, and outputs a shotlist
  • The Vector Populater GUI

Main files: lister/ and lister/

Input: A script in basic standard text

Output: JSON object containing the lined script with shots