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CS299 ProposalClassification of Web Pages in Yioop with Active Learning
AbstractThis thesis will add to the Yioop search engine a general facility for automatically assigning "class" meta tags (e.g. "class:spam" or "class:resume") to web pages according to the output of a supervised learning algorithm trained on labeled examples. In order to minimize the burden on the administrator training the classifier, a small "seed" set of hand-labeled documents will be used to bootstrap a larger training corpus from unlabeled examples. The classifier built from the seed training set will be used to assign a tentative label to unlabeled training documents drawn from a previous crawl, and these decisions will then be presented to the administrator for correction. The corrected examples will be added to the corpus, the classifier retrained, and the process repeated until the administrator decides to stop or there are no more training documents to label. CS297 RestultsIn the Fall 2012 semester I accomplished the following:
DeliverablesThe primary deliverables are an implementation of the classification system and a report, but each of these will be broken down into several sub-deliverables:
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