Assignment 5: Track pupils
DATE DUE: April 11, 2016
Points possible: 10 points
CS-161: Software Project
Instructor: Rob Bruce


For this assignment, you will write a program to determine the location of the left and right eye pupils. If pupil location is determined, it should be written to the Postgres database.


You will use the pupil tracking algorithm proposed by Fabian Timm and Erhardt Barth in their article Accurate eye centre localisation by means of gradients. Tristan Hume has written and released an open-source program using this pupil tracking algorithm on github at You will download and modify Mr. Hume's software to fit into your computer vision pipeline

1. Your program should accept command line input through argc and argv. Your program will thus use argv to pass in a non-negative integer (video ID) which represents the unique identifer of an input video.

2. Your program will then query Postgres for the following metadata associated with the input video ID:

  • Number of frames
  • Width (pixels) of each frame (in pixels)
  • Height (pixels) of each frame (in pixels)

3. For each frame associated with the video ID in the image repository do the following:

  • Query Postgres with the video ID and current frame to retrieve left and right eye bounding box data
  • If left eye bounding box data exists, call the eye tracking function written by Mr. Hume with the left eye bounding box data.
  • If right eye bounding box data exists, call the eye tracking function written by Mr. Hume with the right eye bounding box data.
  • If the location of the left eye is found, write that data to Postgres along with the current frame number and video ID.
  • If the location of the right eye is found, write that data to Postgres along with the current frame number and video ID.


1. Please submit your program as a text file to the Canvas dropbox. I only need the source code. I will build the program myself.

2. Please name your program using the following naming convention:

Lastname_Firstname_assignment_5.c (for C programs)

Lastname_Firstname_assignment_5.cpp (for C++ programs) (for Java programs) (for Perl programs) (for Python programs) (for BASH programs)

Lastname_Firstname_assignment_5.csh (for csh programs)

For example, my name is Rob Bruce. If I write my program in the C programming language, my assignment 5 should be named: Bruce_Rob_assignment_5.c

3. Please include your name as a comment at the beginning of your program like this:

/* Rob Bruce */

or this:

// Rob Bruce

4. I usually do not need a makefile to build your programs, regardless of language; however, in the unlikely event that I cannot build your project, I will send an email inquiry as appropriate.

5. I expect your program to build without syntax errors.

6. I expect your program to execute without run-time errors.


Points will be deducted for any program that does not meet the specification as outlined above.


Assignments submitted after the due date will be worth, at most, 5 points. Additional points will be deducted for programs not meeting the specification as outlined above.