Assignment 4: Draw bounding boxes
DATE DUE: March 14, 2016
Points possible: 10 points
CS-161: Software Project
Instructor: Rob Bruce


For this assignment, you will use OpenCV to draw bounding box data on a copy of each still image frame associated with a given video ID. You will then put these still images together into a movie using FFMPEG.


1. Your program should accept command line input through argc and argv. Your program will thus use argv to pass in a non-negative integer (video ID) which represents the unique identifer of an input video.

2. Your program will then query Postgres for the following metadata associated with the input video ID:

  • Number of frames
  • Width (pixels) of each frame (in pixels)
  • Height (pixels) of each frame (in pixels)
  • Frame rate (frames per second) of original input video

3. For each frame associated with the video ID in the image repository do the following:

  • Query Postgres with the video ID and current frame to retrieve face bounding box data
  • If face bounding box data exists, draw an outline of a blue rectangle (unfilled) on the image with the coordinates for the face bounding box: starting position upper left corner (x, y) and (width, height).
  • Query Postgres with the video ID and current frame to retrieve left eye bounding box data
  • If left eye bounding box data exists, draw an outline of a green rectangle (unfilled) on the image with the coordinates for the left eye bounding box: starting position upper left corner (x, y) and (width, height).
  • Query Postgres with the video ID and current frame to retrieve right eye bounding box data
  • If right eye bounding box data exists, draw an outline of a red rectangle (unfilled) on the image with the coordinates for the right eye bounding box: starting position upper left corner (x, y) and (width, height).
  • Query Postgres with the video ID and current frame to retrieve nose bounding box data
  • If nose bounding box data exists, draw the outline of a yellow rectangle (unfilled) on the image with the coordinates for the nose bounding box: starting position upper left corner (x, y) and (width, height).
  • Query Postgres with the video ID and current frame to retrieve mouth bounding box data
  • If mouth bounding box data exists, draw an unfilled magenta rectangle (unfilled) on the image with the coordinates for the mouth bounding box: starting position upper left corner (x, y) and (width, height).
  • Save the resulting image to a temporary directory

4. Use FFMPEG to create a silent movie titled "bounding_box_movie_VIDEO_ID.mp4" in MPEG4 format using the sequential images in your temporary directory. VIDEO_ID is an unsigned integer and represents the video ID number of the original input video.


1. Please submit your program as a text file to the Canvas dropbox. I only need the source code. I will build the program myself.

2. Please name your program using the following naming convention:

Lastname_Firstname_assignment_4.c (for C programs)

Lastname_Firstname_assignment_4.cpp (for C++ programs) (for Java programs) (for Perl programs) (for Python programs) (for BASH programs)

Lastname_Firstname_assignment_4.csh (for csh programs)

For example, my name is Rob Bruce. If I write my program in the C programming language, my assignment 4 should be named: Bruce_Rob_assignment_4.c

3. Please include your name as a comment at the beginning of your program like this:

/* Rob Bruce */

or this:

// Rob Bruce

4. I usually do not need a makefile to build your programs, regardless of language; however, in the unlikely event that I cannot build your project, I will send an email inquiry as appropriate.

5. I expect your program to build without syntax errors.

6. I expect your program to execute without run-time errors.


Points will be deducted for any program that does not meet the specification as outlined above.


Assignments submitted after the due date will be worth, at most, 5 points. Additional points will be deducted for programs not meeting the specification as outlined above.