How to install and configure the Apache web server on Linux Mint
CS-160: Software Engineering
Instructor: Rob Bruce
Fall 2016

OBJECTIVE: to install and configure Apache web server with the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) on Linux Mint.

  • Launch a terminal window (also known as a command line prompt or shell).

Step 1 of 15: In terminal window, log in as root

  • In your terminal window type the following at the command prompt: su
  • You will be prompted to enter the root password. Enter that password.
  • Your terminal window should now display a "#" (hash mark) prompt. This indicates you are logged in as root!

Step 2 of 15: update software library cache

  • First we need to update our cache of software libraries that are available to install or update.
  • In your terminal window type the following at the command prompt (you should be root): apt-get update

Step 3 of 15: install Apache

  • Now that we've updated our cache, the next step is to install the Apache web server.
  • In your terminal window type the following at the command prompt (you should be root): apt-get install apache2

Step 4 of 15: Enable PHP in Apache.

  • In your terminal window type the following at the command prompt (you should be root): apt-get install php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0

Step 5 of 15: Enable the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) in Apache.

  • In your terminal window type the following at the command prompt (you should be root): a2enmod cgi

Step 6 of 15: Restart the Apache server.

  • In your terminal window type the following at the command prompt (you should be root): service apache2 restart

Step 7 of 15: Verify that the Apache web server is running.

  • Point your browser to the following URL at http://localhost
  • Your browser should display a page that looks like this:
  • Screenshot indicating Apache is currently running on localhost

Step 8 of 15: Create a test PHP program.

  • Select then copy (<ctrl><c> is hotkey for copy in Linux) the following text:


Step 9 of 15: Paste the PHP program into the Apache web directory

  • In your terminal window type the following at the command prompt (you should be root): cat > /var/www/html/test.php
  • In your terminal window (you should be root) press <ctrl><shift><v> to paste the previously selected text
  • In your terminal window (you should be root) press <ctrl><d>. Press <ctrl><d> again.
  • You should now have a program saved in /var/www/html/test.php

Step 10 of 15: Change owner and group permissions for PHP program

  • For security reasons, no PHP programs should be owned by root or have group editing privileges as root.
  • In your terminal window (you should be root) enter the following text: chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/test.php
  • In your terminal window (you should be root) enter the following text: chmod 755 /var/www/html/test.php

Step 11 of 15: Verify that the Apache web server will execute PHP program encoded web content

  • Point your browser to the following URL at http://localhost/test.php
  • Your browser should display a page that looks similar to this:
  • Screenshot indicating Apache is configured with PHP enabled

Step 12 of 15: Create a test CGI program in Python.

  • Note: All cgi-bin applications (interactive web page content generated dynamically) are located on your computer at the following path:
  • Select then copy (<ctrl><c> is hotkey for copy in Linux) the following text:

print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"
print '<html>'
print '<head>'
print '<title>Python program in cgi-bin</title>'
print '</head>'
print '<body>'
print '<h2>This Python program is running from the cgi-bin directory.</h2>'
print '</body>'
print '</html>'

Step 13 of 15: Paste the Python program into the cgi-bin directory

  • In your terminal window type the following at the command prompt (you should be root): cat > /usr/lib/cgi-bin/test.cgi
  • In your terminal window (you should be root) press <ctrl><shift><v> to paste the previously selected text
  • In your terminal window (you should be root) press <ctrl><d>. Press <ctrl><d> again.
  • You should now have a program saved in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/test.cgi

Step 14 of 15: Change owner and group permissions

  • For security reasons, no cgi-bin programs should be owned by root or have group editing privileges as root.
  • In your terminal window (you should be root) enter the following text: chown www-data:www-data /usr/lib/cgi-bin/test.cgi
  • In your terminal window (you should be root) enter the following text: chmod 755 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/test.cgi

Step 15 of 15: Test access to your cgi-bin application with your web browser

  • Point your browser to the following URL at http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.cgi
  • You should see output like this:
    This Python program is running from the cgi-bin directory.

Miscellaneous notes:

  • All web documents (including PHP encoded web documents) are located on your computer at the following path
  • For example, when you type the URL at http://localhost/index.html, Apache is accessing index.html located on your computer at the following path:
  • Alternately, when you type the URL at http://localhost/test.php, Apache is accessing test.php located on your computer at the following path:
  • All cgi-bin applications are located on your computer at the following path:
  • For example, when you type the URL at http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.cgi, Apache is accessing test.cgi located on your comptuer at the following path:
  • You can create dynamic web and process form data either through the Common Gateway Interface directory (cgi-bin) or through the PHP interpreter enabled in Apache.
  • You should make sure all static web pages, all PHP web pages, and all cgi-bin programs are owned by www-data with group access for www-data. Lastly, you should make sure all PHP content or cgi-bin content should be set to read and execute only with NO write permissions (i.e. chmod 755).