Programming Project: Oral Presentation
Points possible: 5 points
CS-160: Software Engineering
Instructor: Robert Bruce


Oral presentations are an important skill to develop when you graduate. Good presentation skills are important in the job interview process or when speaking at professional conferences.


Three teams will be presenting on December 7, 2016 while the other three teams will present on December 12, 2016.

Each team will have approximately 25 minutes for their overall presentation.

Each team may perform a live presentation or show screenshots of your final project.

You may use any presentation software you like.

I expect each member of the team to speak about their individual contributions to the project.

Speak at a normal pace - not too fast - and project your voice as as if you were in a large conference room full of attendees.

Please make your presentations easy to read with good contrast.


There is NOTHING to submit or turn-in for this assignment. I will take note of who has presented.


There is NO make-up for the oral presentation