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[Bio] [Blog] [Deliverable 1] [Deliverable 3 :A Basic Wiki editor] [Deliverable 4: Feature set for CSH Wiki] [Deliverable 1: Design Document] [Deliverable 2: UI mocks for Help panes] [Mobile] [Deliverable 3: Help Display From web service & Wiki Parser] [Help Display & WebService sample] [Deliverable 4: Integrating CSH into Yioop.] [Graduation Pic with Dr.Pollett] |
CS297 ProposalA Content-Sensistive Wiki Help System. Eswara Rajesh Pinapala ( Advisor: Dr. Chris Pollett Description:
A Context-sensitive Online Help system provides targeted information to users based on their context (i.e., where they are, what they are doing, or what the current state is) with respect to the application. Context-sensitive help is usually displayed as a widget, overlay page, or as a hyperlink to a completely different page or window. The user need not move out of context to get application help for his current task. Each help topic is intended apply to the given context exclusively.
Deliverables: The full project will be done when CS298 is completed. The following will be done by the end of CS297: 1. Complete research on two existing context-sensitive help systems. Do a presentation on how to configure and use the two systems. 2. Complete research on the characteristics and configuration of at least three Wiki systems, Deliver the research report on findings from the research. 3. Work on building the feature set of the Context-Sensitive Wiki help system. The research done on both Wiki systems and the context-sensitive help systems will be used to construct the feature set. Identify and present the feature set of the Context-Sensitive wiki help system. 4. Finalize on the feature set, implementation and resources required for the front-end JS framework that powers the Context-Sensitive Wiki help. Present in a research paper. 5. Complete writing CS 297 report. References: [1] [Johnston2002] Context-Sensitive help for Multimodal Dailogue. Helen Wright Hastie, Michael Johnston, Patrick Ehlen. ICMI '02 Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces. 2002. [2] [Ellison2009] User-centred Design of Context-sensitive Help. AODC. 2009. . [3] [Chilana2011] Using Crowdsourcing in the Design of Context-Sensitive Help for Web Applications. Chilana, P., Ko, A.J., and Wobbrock, J.O. CHI '11 Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Human Computation- Systems, Studies, and Platforms, Vancouver, BC, May 2011. [4][Stevens2006] Stevens, G. and Wiedenhofer, T. CHIC - a pluggable solution for community help in context. Proc ACM NordiCHI (2006), 212-221. [5] [Chilana2012] LemonAid: Selection-Based Crowdsourced Contextual Help for Web Applications. Chilana, P., Ko, A.J., and Wobbrock, J.O. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012). New York: ACM Press, pp. 1549-1558. [6] [Barrett2008]. MediaWiki - Wikipedia and Beyond. Daniel J. Barrett. O'Reilly Media. ISBN 978-0-596-51979-7. 2008. [7] Tiki for Smarties. Rick Sapir. Publisher: (January 23, 2013). [8] Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja. John Resig and Bear Bibeault. Manning Publications. 2012. [9] High Performance JavaScript. Nicholas C. Zakas . O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2010. [10] [Capobianco2003] Questioning the effectiveness of contextual online help: Some alternative propositions. Antonio Capobianco. Published by IOS Press, (c) IFIP, 2003. [11] [Porter2013] WIKI - Grow your own for fun and profit. Alan J. Porter. XMl Press. Apr 11, 2013. |