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CS298 ProposalMP3 Base currency systemTimothy Chen ( Advisor: Dr. Chris Pollett Committee Members: Thomas H. Austin, Suneuy Kim Abstract:Crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin have become popular. This project proposes a new crypto-currency system which allows music artists to upload their music in MP3 format to the website that I implement and earn the currency I have create. The currency amount depends on how long the website users listening to the music. The music player will be using Javascript and WebCL. The project will include a wallet which will keep track of public key/private key and the balance of currency of a particular owner. Then will also be create payment transaction which is triggered when a message that carries the account number of the receiver and the credential of the sender is received by the mp3 process software. CS297 Results
Proposed Schedule
Key Deliverables:
Innovations and Challenges
References:Satoshi Nakamoto (2009), Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. Retrieved from Florian Mendel and Vincent Rijmen, Cryptanalysis of the Tiger Hash Function. Retrieved from SHA-256 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm. Retrieved from Applied Cryptography Second edition, Bruce Schneier 1996 Jeremy Shulman and Jabari, JordanTiger Hash Algorithm. Retrieved from Eric Christopher Seidel(November 18, 2003), Tiger Hash Algorithm. Retrieved from HTML5 Web Workers: The JavaScript Multi-threading Approach Retrieved from |