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CS297 Proposal


CS297 Proposal

Title: Web Based IDE for Interfacing View-Controller

Your Name: Tejasvi Palvai


Advisor: Dr. Chris Pollett


The main idea of this project is to develop a web based IDE that enables users to create XHTML pages using drag and drop mechanism in Struts. Struts extend Java Servlet API to encourage developers to adopt MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. I will be developing a web application for interfacing view and controller part of the MVC architecture. It connects the View and Controller components when the user drag and drop the elements in the UI of the IDE. With this project, users can create dynamic web pages without having any knowledge in XHTML or SQL queries. MVC is seen in web applications where the view is the XHTML generated by the app. Model-View-Controller is an Architecture pattern that isolates business logic from input and presentation. Model is the domain specific representation of the data upon which the application operates whereas view renders the model into a form suitable for interaction, typically a user interface element, Multiple views can exist for a single model for different purpose. Controller receives input and initiates a response by making calls on model objects.



Week 1-2: Jan. 26-Feb 3

Discuss the Project Details with professor and Set up the required IDE (Eclipse) for the project

Week 3: Feb. 4- 10

Learn Structs and its various applications.

Week 4-5: Feb. 11- 17

Develop a sample application using Structs

Week 6: Feb. 24

Study the JavaScript frameworks

Week 7: Feb 25-Mar 3

Do performance test on different java script framework (JQuery and YUI)

Week 8,9: Mar 4- Mar 17

Develop file system to access file on remote server.

Week 10,11: Mar 18- Mar 31

Design a project including the drag and drop functionality

Week 12,13: Apr. 1- Apr 14

Test this developed application on different browsers

Week 14,15: Apr. 15- May 28

Submit the project that included file systems.

Week 16: Apr. 29- May 5.

Work on the Report

Week 17: May 5-May 14

Submit the final cs 297 Report


The full project will be done when CS298 is completed. The end of CS297 will do the following:

1. Deliverable_1: Develop a sample Structs Application.

2. Deliverable 2: Do performance test on different java script framework

3. Deliverable_3: Develop the file system that is required for developing the web based IDE.

4. Deliverable_4: Demo project involving drag and drop and submit the final 297 report


[1] Struts tutorial by Benmira free


[2] Bespin Web based IDE


[3] ECCO-A Web Based IDE inside your Browser