Chris Pollett >
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Source Code of the Native DatabaseDescription: In this deliverable, we implement our database design using JAVA. Reader can refer to Deliverable 3 for the architectural design. The following is the source code for a logical leaf node. It contains a leaf id, page number in which it resides, and the actual data: public ThLeave(long id, int pagenum, String dat) { iD = id; pageNum = pagenum; data = dat; } Below is the logical Group node. It contain a node id, an attribute which can be null, and a list of children in the ArrayList: public class ThGroup implements IthNode { public long nodeId; public ThAttributeNode attribute; public ArrayList children; Here is the structure of a document. It contains a reference to the database subsystem where global states of the database is kept, the document’s name, the logical pointer to the root of the XML document’s tree, and the physical page that will be flushed to disk when the page is full: public class ThXMLDoc { ThSystem subsys; public String name = null; public ThGroup root; //logical tree root public ThPage rootPage; } A database can contain 0 to n documents (if storage is enough). Following is the structure of a database. Its name is created from the DML file. The hash table contains the XML documents create in this database: public ThDB(String dbName) { name = new String(dbName); docNames = new Hashtable(); dbUp = true; } The following is the structure for the Buffer Manager. It consists of a hash table of pages in memory and it manages a free pages list. Buffer Manager also maintains the least recently used ArrayList of page number. public class ThBufferMgr implements Serializable{ public static int pSn = 0; //page serial number public Hashtable bufferPool = new Hashtable(); //pages in buffer pool public ArrayList freeList = new ArrayList(); public ArrayList leastRecentlyUse = new ArrayList(); public int totalPage = 20; //20 pages in the pool } Please refer to the Appendix for code details. Following is the content of DML7.TXT: CREATE DATABASE DB1DB; CREATE XMLDOC XML1DOC IN DB1DB; LOAD "c://an//cs297//xmldb//test1.xml" INTO XML1DOC; printTree(XML1DOC); //* add to the end of first element of /G[1], /G[2], ... INSERT INTO XML1DOC PATH("/G/G[1]") VALUES("<L>392 Lily Ann Way, San Jose CA 95111</L>", "<L>(408)123-1234</L>"); INSERT INTO XML1DOC PATH("/G/G[2]") VALUES("<L>123 No Name St., San Jose CA 95112</L>", "<L>(408)123-1234</L>"); COMMIT; INSERT INTO XML1DOC PATH("/G/G[3]") VALUES("<L>234 Bernal, San Jose CA 95012</L>"); INSERT INTO XML1DOC PATH("/G/G[4]") VALUES("<L>555 Bailey Road, San Jose CA 94091</L>"); INSERT INTO XML1DOC PATH("/G/G[5]") VALUES("<L>1234 1st street, San Francisco CA 95012</L>", <L>(510)344-1010</L>"); INSERT INTO XML1DOC PATH("/G/G[6]") VALUES("<L>2234 2st street, Santa Rosa CA 94323</L>", <L>(808)463-1203</L>"); INSERT INTO XML1DOC PATH("/G/G[7]") VALUES("<L>3542 3st street, Santa monica CA 95002</L>", <L>(808)463-1203</L>"); //* comments printTree(XML1DOC); DELETE FROM XML1DOC WHERE PATH("/G/G[4]"); DELETE FROM XML1DOC WHERE PATH("/G/G/L[4]", "/G/G/L[3]"); printTree(XML1DOC); UPDATE XML1DOC SET VALUE("<L>392 Pasilo dr., San Jose CA 95123</L>") WHERE PATH("/G/G/L[2]"); printTree(XML1DOC); SELECT "/G[*]" FROM XML1DOC; DROP XMLDOC XML1DOC; DROP DATABASE DB1DB; Following is the snapshot of running the above testcase: testExecuteDML7() System starting up... Constructing transactiontable... Sub-system is up Parsing DML... Executing DML Plan DB1DB created XML1DOC added in DB1DB openning file: c://an//cs297//xmldb//test1.xml Loading into XMLDoc... Closing file: c://an//cs297//xmldb//test1.xml Printing Logical structure of XML Tree: XML1DOC ID=00000001 name=CS297 id=123-45-6789 Jane Eyre 3.8 id=234-56-7890 Irene Hugh 3.0 id=345-67-8901 Thomas Lee 2.8 id=456-78-9012 Erica Nguyen 3.1 id=567-45-6789 Rochester Thornfield 2.8 id=678-45-6789 John Lyle 3.2 id=789-00-6789 Robert Mulan 3.2 Inserting into XMLDoc... Inserting into XMLDoc... Inserting into XMLDoc... Inserting into XMLDoc... Inserting into XMLDoc... Inserting into XMLDoc... Inserting into XMLDoc... Printing Logical structure of XML Tree: XML1DOC ID=00000001 name=CS297 id=123-45-6789 Jane Eyre 3.8 392 Lily Ann Way, San Jose CA 95111 (408)123-1234 id=234-56-7890 Irene Hugh 3.0 123 No Name St., San Jose CA 95112 (408)123-1234 id=345-67-8901 Thomas Lee 2.8 234 Bernal, San Jose CA 95012 id=456-78-9012 Erica Nguyen 3.1 555 Bailey Road, San Jose CA 94091 id=567-45-6789 Rochester Thornfield 2.8 1234 1st street, San Francisco CA 95012 (510)344-1010 id=678-45-6789 John Lyle 3.2 2234 2st street, Santa Rosa CA 94323 (808)463-1203 id=789-00-6789 Robert Mulan 3.2 3542 3st street, Santa monica CA 95002 (808)463-1203 Deleting from XMLDoc... Deleting from XMLDoc... Printing Logical structure of XML Tree: XML1DOC ID=00000001 name=CS297 id=123-45-6789 Jane Eyre 3.8 392 Lily Ann Way, San Jose CA 95111 (408)123-1234 id=234-56-7890 Irene Hugh 3.0 123 No Name St., San Jose CA 95112 (408)123-1234 id=678-45-6789 John Lyle 3.2 2234 2st street, Santa Rosa CA 94323 (808)463-1203 id=789-00-6789 Robert Mulan 3.2 3542 3st street, Santa monica CA 95002 (808)463-1203 Updating XML1DOC... Printing Logical structure of XML Tree: XML1DOC ID=00000001 name=CS297 id=123-45-6789 Jane Eyre 3.8 392 Lily Ann Way, San Jose CA 95111 (408)123-1234 392 Pasilo dr., San Jose CA 95123 id=678-45-6789 John Lyle 3.2 2234 2st street, Santa Rosa CA 94323 (808)463-1203 id=789-00-6789 Robert Mulan 3.2 3542 3st street, Santa monica CA 95002 (808)463-1203 Selecting from XMLDoc: XML1DOC id=123-45-6789 Jane Eyre 3.8 392 Lily Ann Way, San Jose CA 95111 (408)123-1234 id=678-45-6789 John Lyle 3.2 2234 2st street, Santa Rosa CA 94323 (808)463-1203 id=789-00-6789 Robert Mulan 3.2 3542 3st street, Santa monica CA 95002 (808)463-1203 name=CS297 392 Pasilo dr., San Jose CA 95123 Time: 1.632 OK (5 tests) |