Chris Pollett > Students >

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Deliverable 1: Namon's Sunset With VML

Here is a sunset I created to gain experience with VML.

VML Code

<!-- for background -->
<v:group id="sunset" style="position:relative; top:0px; left:0px; width:480px; height:300px"      coordorigin="0,0" coordsize="1200,750" >
	<v:oval style="position: absolute; top: 80px; left:80px; width: 150px; height: 150px">

		<v:fill on="true" stroke="false" type="gradient" title="sun" color="rgb(25,33,4)" color2="rgb(252,98,77)"/>

	<v:shadow id="sun"; on="true" type="emboss" obscured="false" color="RGB(203,203,203)"
		opacity="5.0" offset="5pt,10pt" color2="rgb(253,145,131)" offset2="0pt,0pt"
		origin="0,0" matrix="null"/>


	<v:curve style='position:absolute;z-index:1;' filled="f" title="Hill"
	   from= "1 550"
	   control1 = "230 260"
	   control2 = "300 260"
	   to = "600 550">
	   <v:fill on="true" type="gradient" color="rgb(53,96,47)" color2="rgb(150,70,11)"/>

    <v:curve style='position:absolute;z-index:1;' filled="f" title="Hill2"
	   from= "200 550"
	   control1 = "710 100"
	   control2 = "780 100"
	   to = "1000 550">
	   <v:fill on="true" type="gradientradial" color="rgb(53,96,47)" color2="rgb(150,70,11)"/>


	<v:polyline style="position: absolute; top: 225; left: 700;
		width: 15; height: 20"
		filled="true" fillcolor="blue"
		points="0 0 2.5 2.5 10 2.5 15 15 20 15 15 2.5 35 2.5 40 10 45 10 35 0
				45 -10 40 -10 35 -2.5 15 -2.5 20 -15 15 -15 10 -2.5 2.5 -2.5 0 0">