Chris Pollett > Students > Pooja

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    [CS 297 Proposal]

    [Deliverable #1]

    [Deliverable #1: Experimentation Results]

    [Deliverable #2]

    [Deliverable #2: Code Patch]

    [Deliverable #3]

    [Deliverable #3 : FFMPEG Presentation]

    [CS297 Report]

    [CS 298 Proposal]

    [CS298 Report]

    [CS298 Presentation]


Deliverable #1

The purpose of this deliverable is to Get familiar with the current feature of news updater and experiment with the current news feed features in the search engine.

Yioop is a PHP search engine developed by Dr. Pollett. The Yioop search engine is designed to allow users to produce indexes of a web-site or a collection of web-sites. Certain search engine tasks such as updating news feeds, rss feeds, sending out notifications are done periodically in bulk. All these different functions are part of the media updates any search engine usually does. Currently, these tasks are not done periodically in Yioop. Yioop has a news updater process that can be used to re-index RSS and Atom feeds on an hourly basis. This more timely information can then be incorporated into Yioop search results. The list of video and news sites can be configured through the GUI. Yioop has a news_updater process which can be used to automatically update news feeds hourly.

I downloaded the search engine and installed on the local machine. I did a fresh clone of git and created the working directory. I downloaded and installed Xampp server and placed downloaded yioop directory inside htdocs folder. I changed the config.php and set WORK_DIRECTORY to the path of yioop_data directory. In Manage Machines I added a single machine under Add Machine as local. I then restarted my computer to get the yioop working on the localhost. I went to search sources and added few newssources in the media section. Then I went to manage machines and started the news_updater which is currently working on the name server and let the news_updater crawl and fetch feeds from the news sources.

Experimentation :.

I added few news sources(rss and html type) to the media sources and ran the news_updater by reducing its uopdate time to 60 seconds. If after running the news_updater, the index file was being created under feeds then the test was pass otherwise fail.

No of news feed sources Time(in mins) Created(Y/N)
10 1 Y
25 1 Y
50 1 Y
70 1 Y
80 1 Y
1001 Y
1251 Y
1501 Y
1601 Y
1701 Y
2001 Y
2501 Y
2801 Y