Project Blog:
12/09/2013 Project meeting
- No meeting as final exam week
12/02/2013 Project meeting
- Got rough draft of the CS 297 proposal
- Got the news updater patch approved and discussed few mistakes done while creating patch to avoid in future
11/25/2013 Project meeting
- Reworked on the architecture for the video uploader system and incorporated suggestions
- Discussed CS 297 proposal and got few pointers for it
11/25/2013 Project meeting
- Gave a presentation on ffmpeg tool
- Proposed architecture for the video uploader system
- Created issue in Mantis bug tracker and uploaded patch file for review
11/25/2013 Project meeting
- Spent some time in understanding git
- Created patch according to the given guidelines
- Discussed the ffmpeg tool
11/18/2013 Project meeting
- Performed end to end testing
- Set up gedit and rewrote working code by following coding guidelines
- Discussed the process to create a patch
11/11/2013 Project meeting
- Spent some time on understanding the rest call and its arguments
- Performed one by one independent function testing
- Got few doubts cleared and discussed how to do end to end testing
11/04/2013 Project meeting
- Implemented the approach for how to identify a requesting machine
- Tested the code changes done
- Discussed various approaches for testing i.e. from command line and by taking generated query string and pasting it in browser
10/28/2013 Project meeting
- Wrote few more functions in few more files
- Tested the code changes done
- Discussed approach for how to identify a machine who is making request to the name server for news updater to run
10/21/2013 Project meeting
- Got the code changes for news updater reviewed
- Tested the code changes done
- Discussed about the next steps
10/14/2013 Project meeting
- Discussed the code changes for news updater one more time
- Re-designed the architecture as suggested
- Come up with code changes with respect to new architecture
10/07/2013 Project meeting
- Started making the code changes in the existing code
- Got the code changes reviewed
- Resolved some of the coding errors
09/30/2013 Project meeting
- Designed the architecture for the distributed news_updater
- Discussed the current parallel_model for query and how parallalization is done there
- Tried to get some coding experience with php
09/23/2013 Project meeting
- Clarified doubts about the news updater existing working
- Decided to study and explain the current parallel_model for query and how parallalization is done there
09/16/2013 Project meeting
- Discussed the current news updater process in detail
- Discussed the logs and their meanings(what does a log line mean)
- Decided to look up at php files used for news updater
09/09/2014 Project meeting
- Installed Yioop on local machine
- Downloaded the latest code using git repository
- Performed a test crawl on machine and also got the news updater working
- Added new news feed sources and checked if it is working
09/03/2013 Project meeting
- Discussed the project topic in detail
- Worked on Project Proposal for CS297