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    [297 Proposal]

    [Del 1: Reading Slides (pdf)]

    [Del 2 & 3: Code (zip)]

    [297 Report (pdf)]

    [299 Proposal]

    [299 Blog]

    [Del 1: Detailed Plan (pdf)]

    [Del 2: Admin Interface]

    [299 Report (pdf)]


CS299 Proposal

Classification of Web Pages in Yioop with Active Learning

Student Shawn Tice (
Advisor Dr. Chris Pollett (
Committee Dr. Mark Stamp (
  Dr. Cay Horstmann (


This thesis will add to the Yioop search engine a general facility for automatically assigning "class" meta tags (e.g. "class:spam" or "class:resume") to web pages according to the output of a supervised learning algorithm trained on labeled examples. In order to minimize the burden on the administrator training the classifier, a small "seed" set of hand-labeled documents will be used to bootstrap a larger training corpus from unlabeled examples. The classifier built from the seed training set will be used to assign a tentative label to unlabeled training documents drawn from a previous crawl, and these decisions will then be presented to the administrator for correction. The corrected examples will be added to the corpus, the classifier retrained, and the process repeated until the administrator decides to stop or there are no more training documents to label.

CS297 Restults

In the Fall 2012 semester I accomplished the following:

  • Developed a plan for how web page classification will work in Yioop
  • Explored the literature on text classification
  • Implemented and experimented with Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression classifiers
  • Implemented and experimented with feature selection
  • Wrote a report detailing my progress and findings


Week Date Plan
01Jan 23–29 Complete proposal and work on detailed plan for Deliverable 1
02Jan 30 to Feb 05 Deliverable 1—detailed plan; build test corpus from web data
03Feb 06–12 Add new activity tab; implement basic create/update/delete
04Feb 13–19 Implement crawl selection and iteration over documents
05Feb 20–26 Deliverable 2—administrative interface
06Feb 27 to Mar 05 Work on incorporating classifier framework; start on report
07–08Mar 06–19 Work on active learning framework incorporating user feedback
09Mar 20–26 Deliverable 3—complete classification system; draft report for committee
10Mar 27 to Apr 02 Revise draft and submit to GSO
11–18Apr 03 to May 17 Deliverable 4—draft revised to comply with GSO corrections; prepare for defense and polish classification system


The primary deliverables are an implementation of the classification system and a report, but each of these will be broken down into several sub-deliverables:

  1. A detailed plan outlining the proposed changes to Yioop. The plan will include use cases for the major features, a high-level discussion of the algorithms to be used at each step, and a description of the Yioop components that will need to be modified.
  2. Additions to Yioops web-based administrative interface
    1. Create/update/delete classifiers
    2. Select previous crawls to train on, and iterate over documents
    3. Display (fake) classification results, and elicit feedback
  3. Integration of the classifier framework into Yioop, providing full functionality. The final product will include:
    1. The user interface
    2. Implementations of Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression classifiers
    3. Implementations of several feature selection and weighting algorithms
    4. Implementation of an active learning framework which incorporates user feedback to improve classifier accuracy
  4. Final report
    1. Draft of report for committee members
    2. Revised draft to be submitted to the graduate studies office for review
    3. Final draft to be submitted for binding


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