Final Programming Project
Date due: December 7, 2015
Points possible: 20 points
CS-116A: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Instructor: Rob Bruce


For this project, you will be creating a simple paint and draw program in C, C++, or Java with the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT). The specifications are outlined below.


1. The program must draw the following shapes:

  • Line
  • Rectangle
  • Ellipse
  • Bezier curve

2. Your program must draw rectangles and ellipses in filled or outline (unfilled) form. Bezier curves and lines should NOT be drawn in filled or outline form. Please do NOT include menu options to draw Bezier curves or lines as filled/outline.

3. Users should be able to select from a palette of 8 different colors when drawing a line, rectangle, ellipse, or Bezier curve. You may choose any colors for your palette as long as each color is visible on the paint canvas (the background of your screen). Please do NOT use black as a color choice on a black background canvas or white on a white background canvas.

4. Use the left mouse button for navigation and selection in the paint program drawing menu.

5. Use the right mouse button to select a control point (mouse cursor position) when drawing a line, rectangle, ellipse, or Bezier curve.

6. Bezier curves are drawn through a series of four mouse clicks. Bezier curves should be 1 pixel thick.

7. Lines are drawn through a series of two mouse clicks. Lines should be 1 pixel thick.

8. Please use white or black as the background for your drawing canvas.

9. You may use verbs such as "add" or "draw" in your menu items. For example, you may use "add rectangle" when drawing a shape. Alternately, you may use "draw rectangle" as a menu item instead

10. Your program must allow the user to draw at least twenty shapes (any combination of ellipses, rectangles, lines, or Bezier curves).


Here's an example of a mouse-driven menu that conforms to the above specification.

1. User clicks the left mouse button of a multi-button mouse:

Two button computer input device (mouse) with left button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

2. The program displays the following four sub-menus: "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", and "add bezier curve".

Screen capture visually demonstrating four menu items stacked vertically and labeled "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", "add bezier curve". These are the types of shapes a user may select.

3. The user wants to draw the outline (i.e. unfilled) of a rectangle in orange. The program should display the following:

Screen capture visually demonstrating what happens when user selects option for "add rectangle" followed by option "outline" followed by option "orange." The user has thus indicated they wish to draw an orange colored outline of a rectangle.

4. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button of a multi-button mouse. This represents the starting corner for the rectangle.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

5. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button again. This represents the ending corner for the rectangle.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

6. The program then draws the outline of a rectangle in orange.

One pixel width orange colored outline of a rectange on a white background.


Here's a second example of a mouse-driven menu that conforms to the above specification.

1. The user clicks the left mouse button of a multi-button mouse:

Description: Two button computer input device (mouse) with left button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

2. The program displays the following four menu items: "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", and "add bezier curve".

Screen capture visually demonstrating four menu items stacked vertically and labeled "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", "add bezier curve". These are the types of shapes a user may select.

3. The user wants to draw a filled rectangle in yellow. The program should display the following:

Screen capture visually demonstrating what happens when user selects option for "add rectangle" followed by option "filled" followed by option "yellow." The user has thus indicated they wish to draw a solid (filled) yellow rectangle.

4. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button of a multi-button mouse. This represents the starting corner for the rectangle.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

5. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button again. This represents the ending corner for the rectangle.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

6. The program then draws a filled rectangle in yellow.

Solid (filled) yellow rectangle on a white background.


Here's a third example of a mouse-driven menu that conforms to the above specification.

1. The user clicks the left mouse button of a multi-button mouse:

Two button computer input device (mouse) with left button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

2. The program displays the following four menu items: "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", and "add bezier curve".

Screen capture visually demonstrating four menu items stacked vertically and labeled "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", "add bezier curve". These are the types of shapes a user may select.

3. The user wants to draw the outline of an ellipse in green. The program should display the following:

Screen capture visually demonstrating what happens when user selects option for "add ellipse" followed by option "outline" followed by option "green." The user has thus indicated they wish to draw a one-pixel width green outline of an ellipse.

4. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button of a multi-button mouse. This represents the center of the ellipse.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

5. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button again. This represents the major radius (radius along major axis).

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

6. The program then draws the outline of an ellipse in green.

One pixel width green outline of an ellipse on a white background.


Here's a fourth example of a mouse-driven menu that conforms to the above specification.

1. The user clicks the left mouse button of a multi-button mouse:

Two button computer input device (mouse) with left button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

2. The program displays the following four menu items: "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", and "add bezier curve".

Screen capture visually demonstrating four menu items stacked vertically and labeled "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", "add bezier curve". These are the types of shapes a user may select.

3. The user wants to draw a filled red ellipse. The program displays the following:

Screen capture visually demonstrating what happens when user selects option for "add ellipse" followed by option "filled" followed by option "red." The user has thus indicated they wish to draw a solid (filled) red ellipse.

4. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button of a multi-button mouse. This represents the center of the ellipse.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

5. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button again. This represents the major radius (radius along major axis).

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

6. The program then draws a filled red ellipse.

Solid (filled) red ellipse on a white background.


Here's a fifth example of a mouse-driven menu that conforms to the above specification.

1. The user clicks the left mouse button of a multi-button mouse:

Two button computer input device (mouse) with left button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

2. The program displays the following four menu items: "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", and "add bezier curve".

Screen capture visually demonstrating four menu items stacked vertically and labeled "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", "add bezier curve". These are the types of shapes a user may select.

3. The user wants to draw a purple line. The program should display the following:

Screen capture visually demonstrating what happens when user selects option for "add line" followed by option "purple." The user has thus indicated they wish to draw a one-pixel width purple line.

4. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button of a multi-button mouse. This represents the starting point for the line.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

5. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button again. This represents the ending point for the line.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

6. The program then draws a purple line that is 1 pixel thick.

One pixel width purple line on a white background.


Here's a sixth example of a mouse-driven menu that conforms to the above specification.

1. The user clicks the left mouse button of a multi-button mouse:

Two button computer input device (mouse) with left button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

2. The program displays the following four menu items: "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", and "add bezier curve".

Screen capture visually demonstrating four menu items stacked vertically and labeled "add rectangle", "add ellipse", "add line", "add bezier curve". These are the types of shapes a user may select.

3. The user wants to draw a blue Bezier curve. The program should display the following:

Screen capture visually demonstrating what happens when user selects option for "add bezier curve" followed by option "blue." The user has thus indicated they wish to draw a one-pixel width blue Bezier curve.

4. Upon clicking the left mouse button in step 3, the user has indicated they want to draw a blue Bezier curve one pixel thick. Now we must retrieve four control points from the user: the beginning point where the Bezier curve will start, the second control point, the third control point, and the fourth control point where the curve will end. The first and last control points will be on the curve while the second and third points will not be on the curve. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button of a multi-button mouse. This represents the first point of the Bezier curve.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

5. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button again. This represents the second point of the Bezier curve.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

6. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button again. This represents the third control point of the Bezier curve.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

7. The user moves the mouse somewhere on the screen and clicks the right mouse button one last time. This represents the fourth control point of the Bezier curve.

Two button computer input device (mouse) with right button highlighted to indicate it is being pressed.

8. Immediately after the user clicks the right mouse button a fourth time in step 7 above, a 1-pixel width Bezier curve is drawn in blue:

One pixel width blue Bezier curve on a white background.


1. Please submit your program as a text file labeled "Final Programming Project" to the Canvas dropbox. I only need the source code. I will build the program myself.

2. Please name your programming project file with the following naming convention:

Lastname_Firstname_final_programming_project.c (for C programs)

Lastname_Firstname_final_programming_project.cpp (for C++ programs) (for Java programs)

For example, my name is Rob Bruce. If I write my program in the C programming language, my final programming project should be named: Bruce_Rob_final_programming_project.c

3. Please include your name as a comment at the beginning of your program like this:

/* Rob Bruce */

or this:

// Rob Bruce

4. I usually do not need a makefile to build your programs, regardless of language; however, in the unlikely event that I cannot build your project, I will send an email inquiry as appropriate.

5. I expect your program to build without syntax errors.

6. I expect your program to execute without run-time errors.


Points will be deducted for any program that does not meet the specification as outlined above.


Assignments submitted after the due date will be worth, at most, 10 points. Additional points will be deducted for programs not meeting the specification as outlined above.

Robert Bruce

Contact and Office hours


Research interests



Graduate supervision

Undergraduate supervision


Fall 2015, CS-116A:



  • Light and Color (part 1 of 2)
  • Light and Color (part 2 of 2)
  • Introduction to OpenGL and GLUT
  • Dissection of OpenGL/GLUT programming examples in C
  • Dissection of OpenGL/GLUT programming examples in Java
  • Splines
  • Meshes: Vertices, Edges, and Faces
  • Camera and clipping plane
  • Linear transformations
  • Interactive program to adjust frustum, near, and far clipping planes
  • Metaballs and Blobbies
  • Graphics File Formats
  • Accelerated Graphics Hardware (GPU)
  • GLSL: OpenGL Shading Language (part 1 of 2)
  • GLSL: OpenGL Shading Language (part 2 of 2)
  • Squash, Stretch, and Bounce: The twelve principles of animation
  • Introduction to Blender
  • Character Rigging for animation
  • Algorithmic animation and modelling (part 1 of 2)
  • Algorithmic animation and modelling (part 2 of 2)
  • Introduction to Computer Vision
  • Introduction to WebGL



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