Chris Pollett >
Students >
He [Bio] [Blog] [Deliverable #2:an sample EPUB book] [Deliverable #3:JS Sequitur algorithm] [Deliverable #4:DB schema design] |
Database schema designDescription: I had designed the basic database infrastructure for this web application. Example: Here shows the database schema design and some SQL examples. SQL examples: CREATE TABLE BOOK { title varchar(255), author varchar(255), id varchar(255), price varchar(255), publisher varchar(255), publishDate Date, pageTotal int }; CREATE TABLE USER { id varchar(255), name varchar(255), email varchar(255), phone varchar(255), address varchar(255) }; CREATE TABLE USER_BOOK { bookID varchar(255), userID varchar(255), timestamp Date, ubPage int }; CREATE TABLE LIBRARY { bookID varchar(255), userID varchar(255), purchaseData Date }; |