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Upload Progress Bar in PHP

Description: This deliverable will include three files: uploadFiles.html, progress.php, and uploadHandler.php. The uploadFiles.html is a file to load the starting page to ask user for upload file inputs. The page also shows an empty bar with the maximum combined total file size indicated at the end. Once the user clicks on the submit button, the progress bar will show the current uploaded file portion in respect to the allowable upload file size total. The actual uploaded size is also shown in an indicator below the bar. Progress.php is the file that handles all the processing at the back-end. Once the upload is complete, the uploadHandler.php file will display a message of either an error or an sucessful upload.

Example:This is what my code outputs on these inputs.

Input files for upload

This is a starting page for user file inputs, and shows an empty progress bar.

File uploading progress

This page shows an upload progressing bar and uploaded size while uploading.

File uploading progress

Files continue uploading, and progress bar continues growing.

File uploading progress

Files almost finish uploading.

File uploading progress

All the files have been sucessfully uploaded.

UploadFiles.html File

      UploadFiles.html presents the upload form for user input,
      and once the user click on the submit button, the
      javascript is invoked to connect to the server every
      half second for the total size of the temporary uploaded
      files. Once the response comes back from the server,
      it is parsed to extract the size value, formatted and shown
      on the progress bar. The grand total of all the uploading
      files is restricted by the server, and it is currently set
      to be 60 MB. Once the upload is successful, it transfers to
      progress.php page.

      Author:     Chao Liang
      Date:    3/15/2006

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title> Upload Files </title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
<style type="text/css">
   background-color: #FFFFFF;
   position: absolute;
   left: 50%;
   margin-left: -350px;
   width: 550px;
   height: 40px;
   color: #000000;
   text-align: left;
   font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial;
   font-size: 12px;
   font-weight: bold;

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
   var myInterval;   // a global timer object
   var totalSize = 0;   // total uploaded size sofar
   var counter = 0;

      This function set up the timer to connect to the
      server every half second

   function connectToServer()
      myInterval = window.setInterval("requestInfo()",500);

      This function creates an xmlHttpRequest object
      according to the browser used.

      return:  created xmlHttpRequest object

   function createXMLHttpRequest()
      var transfer;
      if (window.ActiveXObject)
         transfer = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
      else if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
         transfer = new XMLHttpRequest();
      return transfer;

      This function shows the current uploaded total
      on a progress bar.

      Parameter:  subtotal - the current total size uploaded sofar

   function updateBar(subtotal)
      var myBar = document.getElementById('progressBar');
      var barWidth = 400 * subtotal / 60000000; = barWidth + 'px';

      This function formats the bytes into 'KB' and 'MB'
      according to their value. It inclues a tenth and handredth
      digits if it is formatted into 'KB' or 'MB'.

      Parameter:  bytes - the total size in bytes
      Return:     A string corresponds to the passed-in parameter
                  in 'bytes', 'KB', or 'MB' and 'Bytes', 'KB', or
                  'MB' included at the end of this string.

      function bytesFormatter(bytes)
      if (bytes < 1024)
         return bytes + " Bytes";
      if (bytes >=1024 && bytes < (1024 * 1024))
         return Math.round(bytes/1024 * 100) / 100 + " KB";
      return Math.round(bytes/1024/1024*100) / 100 + " MB";

      This function parse the return response from the server
      to extract the size of the total uploaded files sofar.

      Parameter:  res - the response come back from server
      return:     A subtotal of size of uploaded files sofar

   function parseResponse(res)
      var firstIndex = res.indexOf("subtotal:");
      if (firstIndex != -1)
         var retTotal = res.substring(firstIndex+9);
         var subSize = parseInt(retTotal);
         return subSize;
         return 0;

      This function sends request to the server, and register
      the callback function to process the response when result
      comes back from the server.

   function requestInfo()
      var xmlHttpObject;
      xmlHttpObject = createXMLHttpRequest();"get", "progress.php?id=" + counter, true);
      // callback function
      xmlHttpObject.onreadystatechange = function ()
         // The response is stable for process when readyState is 4
         if (xmlHttpObject.readyState == 4)
            // check if upload is successful or not
            if (xmlHttpObject.status == 200)
               var response = xmlHttpObject.responseText;
               var subTotal = parseResponse(response);
               if (subTotal >= totalSize)
                  var formatedBytes =
                  totalSize = subTotal;
                  setIntervalOut(); // upload has finished
               return true;
               displayInfo("An error occurred: "
                           + xmlHttpObject.statusText);
                  //statusText is not always accurate
               return false;

      This function turns the timer off.

   function setIntervalOut()
      if (myInterval != null)

      This function is used to display the current
      uploaded size sofar on the browser

   function displayInfo(text)
      var divInfo = document.getElementById("progressInfo");
      divInfo.innerHTML = text;

   // Turns the timer off if there is an error or a user-abort action

<body onunload="setIntervalOut()">
<form action="uploadHandler.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
Send these files:<br/>
<input type="hidden" id="maxSize" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="60000000" />
<input type="file" name="myFile[]" size="30"/><br/>
<input type="file" name="myFile[]" size="30"/><br/>
<input type="file" name="myFile[]" size="30"/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Send File" onclick="return connectToServer();"/>

<label for="barContainer">
Upload Progress:
<div id="barContainer"
     <div id="progressBar" style="width:0px;height:15px;background-color:green">
<div id="sizeLabel" style="padding-left:400px;height:20px;font-weight:bold">
60 MB</div>
<div id="progressInfo" class="uploadStatus"> </div>

Progress.php File

   echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>'

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>Upload files progress</title>

      The progress.php script to get the total size of the temporary
      files that store the uploaded data. Since the sizes
      of these files are everchanging, this script will
      be called to probe these file sizes every half second.

      Author:  Chao Liang
      Date: 3/15/2006

   $tempDir = "c:/windows/temp/";
   if (is_dir($tempDir))
      if ($dh = opendir($tempDir))
         while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
            // these temporary files all have php prefix
            $uploadTempFile = strstr($file, "php");
            if (($uploadTempFile != false) && ($file != $file1))
            // Make sure the next temporary file is different
            // from the previous one
               global $subTotal;
               $file1 = $file;
               $fullPath = $tempDir . $file;
               $tmpSize = filesize($fullPath);
               if ($tmpSize != false)
                  $subTotal = $tmpSize + $subTotal;
         // attach the string subtotal: to the front to help
         // clients to parse the response
         echo "subtotal:" . $subTotal;

UploadHandler.php File

   echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>Upload files status</title>

      UploadHandler.php is a script that the form upload to.
      It checks for all the errors that would happen while files are
      uploaded. If files are uploaded successfully, move
      the files to the desinated upload directory.

      Author: Chao Liang
      Date: 3/15/2006

   if (!$_REQUEST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']) // Total file size is over the limit
      echo "Files are too large." . "<br/>";
   $uploadDir = 'd:/phpupload/';
   foreach($_FILES['myFile']['name'] as $key => $value)
       if ($value == null)
      $uploadFile = $uploadDir . $value;
      // check if the files are fully uploaded
         if ($_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name'][$key] != null &&
             $_FILES['myFile']['error'][$key] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
            if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name'][$key],
               echo $value .
               " is valid, and was successfully uploaded." .
               echo "Possible file upload attack!" . "<br/>";