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CS297-298 Project News Feed

   (Posted on Mon, 06 Dec 2004 12:43:56 PST .)
1) Included range of counters (number of vectors that lie in the range of average+1.5*standard deviation and average-1.5*standard deviation)for each user
2) Calculated the variation in FAR, FRR for single and multiple users
3) Submitted the report to department

   (Posted on Sat, 13 Nov 2004 21:51:16 PST .)
1)Record speed, angular velocity within same transition state in background during registration phase for passive authentication.
2) Compare the parameters found in registered data with the ones currently getting recorded in the background.  

   (Posted on Sun, 31 Oct 2004 23:38:08 PST .)
1)Design system for passive verification of user.
2)Start writing report.

   (Posted on Fri, 22 Oct 2004 10:29:04 PDT .)
1)Selected the method of using different parameters for different users.
2)Checked the range of differences of each user.
3)Used above two methods to authenticate users.
4)The method works with some false acceptance and false rejection rates.
To do:
1) Use the above method but instead of range use the standard deviation for each selected parameter.

   (Posted on Sat, 09 Oct 2004 16:47:10 PDT .)
1) Experimented authentication with all sets of parameters.
2) Experimented with different parameters for each user according to the user's variation.
3) Experimented with the union of the set of parameters for different users.
4) Experimented with the intersection of the parameters of different users.

Week 3-4
   (Posted on Wed, 15 Sep 2004 09:46:37 PDT .)
Design a system that authenticates users.

Report for week 1-3
   (Posted on Mon, 13 Sep 2004 21:30:07 PDT .)
1)Convert applet to application.
2)Read the document about Windows login

Things done
1) Converted applet to application
2) Read the document  
3) Completed the registration phase 

Title for BLOG entry.
   (Posted on Mon, 23 Aug 2004 16:56:49 PDT .)
Actual content of the entry.

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