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    [Deliverable 1]

    [Deliverable 2]

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    [CS 297 (PDF)]

    [CS 298 Proposal]

    [Deliverable 5]

    [Deliverable 6]

    [CS 298 (PDF)]

Deliverable 5

Completing and Testing the Loan Smart Contract

Mayuri Shimpi (

The Loan Smart contract

This deliverable centers around the Loan Smart Contract, serving as an intermediary to connect lenders and borrowers. The Credit Bureau Smart Contract creates a new loan that borrowers and lenders can associate with. In our system, lenders can invest funds, and borrowers can specify the funds they require. After that, the interest rate is calculated based on the terms set by the EOA that initializes the Loan Smart Contract. The system allows borrowers to make payments and to track their credit scores, we update the CreditBureau smart contract with the capability of updating the credit score of the borrower. The system also allows lenders to make withdrawals

In this deliverable, I have implemented the invest, borrow, and calculate interest methods as described below: