Chris Pollett > Students > Yunxuan

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    [First Proposal]

    [Final Step of Shor's and Grover's Algorithms]

    [jQuantum QFT]

    [My Quantum Circuits]

    [Three Models]

    [Threshold of Error Correction]

    [jQuantum Manual]

    [Quantum State and LH]

    [QHC Scientists]

    [LH and Tensor Networks]

    [k-LH is QMA-complete]

    [Deutch Josza Algorithm]

    [Semester Report]

    [Second Proposal]

    [SolveQ Algorithm: 2-SAT]

    [Random-kSAT-Generator: Version 1]

    [Freezing Point Experiment]

    [Random-kQSAT-Generator: Version 2]

    [Random-kQSAT-Generator: Version 3]

    [Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model]

    [Ising Model]

    [Random-kQSAT-Generator: Version 4]

    [Random-kQSAT-Generator: Version 5]

    [Random-kQSAT-Generator: Version 6]

    [SolveQ Algorithm: 2-QSAT]


This version finally works perfectly. Even the freezing point appears to work quite well. I wrote this version by adaptation from version 2. This version is a twin version to Version 4; the two versions are supposed to generate the same data, which is for the most part true, except for a little randomness that causes data instability. Version 4 runs slower than Version 5.


import static java.lang.Math.*;

import java.util.*;

public class QSATsolver5 {	
	private int clausesize = 3;
	private int numvariable = 7;
	private int numclause = 5;
	private int numinstances = 50;
	private ArrayList<String> stack = new ArrayList<String>(); //nonnullspace list
	private ArrayList<String> chain = new ArrayList<String>();
	private int success= 0;
	private ArrayList<Integer> temp2var = new ArrayList <Integer> ();
	private ArrayList<ArrayList <Integer>> temp5var = new ArrayList <ArrayList<Integer>> ();
	private ArrayList <State> completeState = new ArrayList <State>();
	private ArrayList<ArrayList <State>> completeStateStack = new ArrayList<ArrayList <State>>();
	private ArrayList<Integer> left = new ArrayList<Integer>();
	private ArrayList<Integer> right = new ArrayList<Integer>();
	private ArrayList <State> sumStack = new ArrayList<State>();
	private ArrayList <State> solutionStack = new ArrayList<State>();
	private ArrayList<State> oneNullState = new ArrayList<State>();
	private ArrayList <ArrayList<State>> nullVectorStack = new ArrayList<ArrayList<State>>();
	private ArrayList <ArrayList<State>> nullVectorStack2 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<State>>();
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		QSATsolver5 qs = new QSATsolver5();
	public void generate(){
		ArrayList<Double>temp = new ArrayList<Double>();
		ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> temp2 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>();
		ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>> temp5 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>>();
		double length = 0;
		boolean []taken = new boolean [numvariable];
		for(int i=0; i<taken.length; i++){
			taken[i] = false;
		for (int k = 0; k < numinstances; k++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < numclause; j++) {
				int v;
				for(int i = 0; i < clausesize; i++){
					v = (int)(Math.random()*numvariable)+1;
						v = (int)(Math.random()*numvariable)+1;					
					taken[v-1] = true;
					temp2var.add(new Integer(v));
				for(int i = 0; i < taken.length; i++){
					taken[i] = false;
				int max5 = (int)pow(2,clausesize);
				for (int i = 0; i < max5; i++){
					int hasTerm =(int)(Math.random()*2);
					if(hasTerm==1) {
						double real = Math.random();
						temp.add(new Double(real));
					} else {
						double real = 0;
						temp.add(new Double(real));
					temp = new ArrayList<Double>();
				for (int i = 0; i < temp2.size(); i++){
					ArrayList <Double> list = temp2.get(i);
					for (int g = 0; g < list.size(); g++){
						double a = Double.parseDouble(""+list.get(g));
				//length = sqrt(length);
				for (int i = 0; i < temp2.size(); i++){
					ArrayList <Double> list = temp2.get(i);
					for (int g = 0; g < list.size(); g++){
						double c = Double.parseDouble(""+list.get(g));
						c = c/length;
						list.add(g, new Double(c));
				temp5.add(temp2); //15 items in these
				temp2 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>(); //8 items in these
				temp2var =  new ArrayList <Integer> ();
				length=0; //newly added
			//find the |phi> of each clause temp5
			System.out.println(completeStateStack.size()); //delete?
			int max = (int)pow(2,numvariable);
			double realsum=0;
			double imaginarysum=0;
			String label="";
			for (int t = 0; t < max; t++){
				for (int z = 0; z < completeStateStack.size(); z++){
					ArrayList <State> cs = completeStateStack.get(z);
					realsum += cs.get(t).probab;
					label = cs.get(t).label;
				State tempstate = new State(label,realsum,Todecimal(label));
				realsum = 0;
			temp5var = new ArrayList <ArrayList<Integer>> ();
			temp5 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>>();
			chain = new ArrayList<String>();
			completeStateStack = new ArrayList<ArrayList <State>>();
			//nullVectorStack2= new ArrayList<ArrayList<State>>();
			//nullVectorStack= new ArrayList<ArrayList<State>>();
			sumStack = new ArrayList<State>();
			solutionStack = new ArrayList<State>();
			stack = new ArrayList<String>();
	public boolean varifySolution(){
		for (int i = 0; i<sumStack.size(); i++){
			State st = sumStack.get(i);
		for (int i = 0; i<sumStack.size(); i++){
			State st = sumStack.get(i);
				return true;
		return false;

	public void generateState(ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>> temp5){
		int [] varnumber = new int [clausesize];
		String myleft, myright;
		ArrayList <State> temp2again = new ArrayList <State>();
		ArrayList<ArrayList <State>> temp5again = new ArrayList <ArrayList <State>>();
		int max = (int)pow(2,numvariable-clausesize);
		for(int j = 0; j<max; j++) {
			String temp3 = Tobinary(j,"");
			temp3 = reverseString(temp3);
			if (temp3.length()<(numvariable-clausesize)) {
				temp3 = addZero(temp3, (numvariable-clausesize));
			if((numvariable-clausesize)>0) {
		int max2 = (int) pow(2,clausesize);
		//clause are int temp5
		//temp2again is the clause with coefficient and string linked together
		for (int g = 0; g < temp5.size(); g++) { //temp5 has 15 elements
			ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> clause = temp5.get(g); //the 8 element clause
			for(int m = 0; m < clause.size(); m++) {
				ArrayList<Double> list = clause.get(m); //the 2 element complex number	
				String temp3 = Tobinary(m,"");
				temp3 = reverseString(temp3);
				if (temp3.length() < clausesize) {
					temp3 = addZero(temp3, clausesize);
				double x1 = Double.parseDouble(""+list.get(0));
				temp2again.add(new State(temp3, x1));				
			temp2again = new ArrayList <State>();
		for (int g = 0; g<temp5var.size(); g++){
			//temp5var has 15 elements.
			ArrayList<Integer> list1 = temp5var.get(g); //list1 is a temp2var:3 int list
			for(int i = 0; i<list1.size(); i++) {
				varnumber[i] = Integer.parseInt(""+list1.get(i))-1;
				System.out.print(varnumber[i]+" "); //prints
				//varnumber[i] value start at 0 not 1.
			String [] pattern = new String [clausesize];
			int [] pattern2 = new int[clausesize];
			ArrayList <State> list2 = temp5again.get(g);  //list2 has 8 elements
			for(int h=0; h<list2.size(); h++){
				State st = list2.get(h); //st is a State
				double one = st.probab/max;
				String pat = st.label;
				for (int s = 0; s < clausesize; s++) {
					pattern[s] = ""+pat.charAt(clausesize-1-s);
					pattern2[s] = Integer.parseInt(pattern[s]);
				int [] varnumber2 = getCopy(varnumber);
				sort(varnumber2, pattern2);
				for(int l = 0; l < chain.size(); l++){
					String str = chain.get(l);
					for (int k = 0; k < varnumber2.length; k++){
						String insertion = ""+pattern2[k];
						if(varnumber2[k] == 0){
						else if(varnumber2[k] == numvariable-1){
						else {
							myright = str.substring(str.length()-varnumber2[k]);
							myleft = str.substring(0, str.length()-varnumber2[k]);
						str = ""+myleft+insertion+myright;
					State ast = new State(str, one, Todecimal(str));
				if(chain.size()==0) {
					State ast = new State(pat, one, Todecimal(pat));
			} //completeState has 2^7 component states
			//now we are going to put the 128 pure states in order
			String [] a1 = new String [completeState.size()];
			double [] a2 = new double [completeState.size()];
			int [] a4 = new int [completeState.size()];
			int totalstates = (int) pow (2,numvariable);
			for(int w = 0; w<completeState.size(); w++){
				State onest = completeState.get(w);
				a1[w] = onest.label;
				a2[w] = onest.probab;
				a4[w] = onest.index;
			sort2(a1, a2, a4); //starting with 0000000 end with 1111111
			completeState =  new ArrayList <State>();
			for (int c = 0; c < totalstates; c++) {
				State tempstate = new State(a1[c], a2[c], a4[c]);
			double length=0;
			for(int u=0; u<completeState.size(); u++){
				State st4= completeState.get(u);
			for(int u=0; u<completeState.size(); u++){
				State st4= completeState.get(u);
			completeState =  new ArrayList <State>();			
			//just inside temp5var iter.
	public int [] getCopy(int [] varnumber){
		int[] oldvarnumber = new int [varnumber.length];
		for(int i = 0; i<varnumber.length; i++) {
			oldvarnumber[i] = varnumber[i];
		return oldvarnumber;
	public void sort(int [] a, int [] b){
		int temp = 0;
		int temp2;
		int temp3;
		for(int i = 0; i < a.length-1; i++){
			temp = i;
			for(int j = i+1; j < a.length; j++){
				if(a[j] < a[temp]){
					temp = j;
			temp2 = a[temp];
			a[temp] = a[i];
			a[i] = temp2;
			temp3 = b[temp];
			b[temp] = b[i];
			b[i] = temp3;
	public void sort2(String[] str, double [] a, int []strval ){
		int temp = 0;
		int temp2;
		double temp3;
		double temp4;
		String temp5;
		for(int i = 0; i<strval.length-1; i++){
			temp = i;
			for(int j = i+1; j<strval.length; j++){
					temp = j;
			temp2 = strval[temp];
			strval[temp] = strval[i];
			strval[i] = temp2;
			temp4 = a[temp];
			a[temp] = a[i];
			a[i] = temp4;
			temp5 = str[temp];
			str[temp] = str[i];
			str[i] = temp5;
	public String addZero(String s, int l){
		int b = l-s.length();
		for(int i = 0; i<b; i++){
			s = "0"+""+s;
		return s;
	public String reverseString(String st){
		String temp = "";
		for(int i = st.length()-1; i>=0; i--){
			temp = temp+st.charAt(i);
		return temp;
	public String Tobinary(int decimal, String path){
		int remainder;
			path = path+decimal;
			return path;
		remainder = decimal % 2;
		path = path+remainder;
		return Tobinary(decimal>>1, path);
	public int Todecimal (String binary){
		int sum = 0;
		for (int i=binary.length()-1; i>=0; i--){
			String bit = ""+binary.charAt(i);
			int bitval = Integer.parseInt(bit);
			int factor = (int)pow(2, binary.length()-1-i);
			sum += bitval*factor;
		return sum;
	private class State {
		String label;
		double probab;
		int index;

		public State(String str, double a){
			label = str;
			probab = a;
		public State( double a){
			probab = a;
		public State(String str, double a, int ind){
			label = str;
			probab = a;
			index = ind;