CS297-298 Project News Feed
CS298 Project Meetings
4/3/2012 Eighth Project Meeting
- Fixed the issues with the PHP path variable to include Spider Monkey
- Created fake document object in JavaScript and added write properties to it
- Work with the Spider Monkey to create methods required for document, window and navigator objects of JavaScript
3/20/2012 Seventh Project Meeting
- Fix the problems with the PHP path variable to include Spider Monkey
- Execute JavaScript programs using Spider Monkey in php using system or passthru commands
- Create fake DOM object and add properties to it
- Work with getPage and getPages methods in fetcher.php to add code for crawling password restricted sites
3/13/2012 Sixth Project Meeting
- Built a UI for taking the input for site, username and password
- Execute JavaScript programs using Spider Monkey in php using system or passthru commands
- Work with getPage and getPages methods in fetcher.php to add code for crawling password restricted sites
2/28/2012 Fifth Project Meeting
- Resolved all the installation errors with Spider Monkey
- Able to execute JavaScript programs using Spider Monkey
- Pull new version of Yioop using GIT
2/20/2012 Fourth Project Meeting
- Extracted all JavaScript from HTML source of a webpage using DOM in PHP
- Found installation errors with Spider Monkey
- Resolve problems with Spider Monkey and UI
2/14/2012 Third Project Meeting
- Extracted all JavaScript from HTML source of a webpage using simple HTML DOM parser
- Extract all JavaScript from HTML source of a webpage using DOM in PHP instead of simple HTML DOM parser
- Experiment with PHP4JS, J4P5 and Spider Monkey
- Think of a UI for the user to enter websites and passwords for them in order for Yioop to crawl them
2/7/2012 Second Project Meeting
- Extract all JavaScript from HTML code of a webpage
- Look for JavaScript interpreters in PHP
1/31/2012 First Project Meeting
- Extract JavaScript from HTML code
- Look for patterns of URLs in JavaScript code
CS297 Project Meetings
11/29/2011 Fourteenth Project Meeting
- Completed CS297 Report
- Uploaded CS297 Report after corrections
11/29/2011 Thirteenth Project Meeting
- Uploaded Deliverable3
- Started working on CS297 Report
11/29/2011 Twelfth Project Meeting
- Uploaded Deliverable3
- Started working on CS297 Report
11/22/2011 Eleventh Project Meeting
- Work on the suggesting some new method to rank web pages
- Work on Deliverable3 on Page Rank
11/15/2011 Tenth Project Meeting
- Successfully tested Sphinx with own database
- Uploaded Deliverable2
11/8/2011 Ninth Project Meeting
- Created own database but had problem with the config file
- Cleared doubts with the config file
11/1/2011 Eighth Project Meeting
- Installed Sphinx, cleared doubts & tested Sphinx
- Assigned Work- Upload Deliverable2
- Test Sphinx with own database
- Try to make a archive bundle iterator
10/25/2011 Seventh Project Meeting
- Patched my code and uploaded on Mantis
- Reported the issue on issue tracker
- Assigned Work- Complete Deliverable2 document
- Install and test Sphinx
10/18/2011 Sixth Project Meeting
- Showed my work on handling short URL links
- Patch my code and report on Issue Tracker
- Assigned Work- Make slides on Pagerank
- Download Sphinx and make few slides on Sphinx
10/11/2011 Sixth Project Meeting
- Gave presentation on Page Rank
- Assigned Work- Extract location information from the header data
- Modify Page Rank Slides
- Meet on Monday to clarify doubts
09/27/2011 Fifth Project Meeting
- Showed work done in the previous week
- Upload Deliverable1 on my page
- Assigned work-Study basic Page Rank algorithm
- Work with the response codes in fetcher.php and check where the location information is being stored
09/20/2011 Fourth Project Meeting
- Gave a presentation on the work done till date
- Assigned work- Same as previous week
09/13/2011 Third Project Meeting
- Presented the work to Dr.Pollett and got all the errors rectified
- Assigned work- Understand the code for the crawling of bit.ly links
- Understand how the redirection to links is taking place
09/06/2011 Second Project Meeting
- Created an account in Dr.Pollett's page.
- Updated CS297 Proposal and few more documents into my account
- Assigned work-Install Yioop, crawl on a bit.ly link and observe the results
08/30/2011 First project meeting
- Discussed CS297 Proposal in detail with Dr. Pollett
- Completed the Proposal and submitted it to the CS Department