Chris Pollett> Old Classes> CS185c
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Final Project --- last modified March 06 2019 12:46:39.

Due date: May 13

Files to be submitted:

Purpose: To demonstrate to me the ability to create a larger scale VR project incorporating the topics we have learned this semester.

Related Course Outcomes:

The main course outcomes covered by this assignment are:

CLO5 -- Be able to code a VR app in which objects move according to some kind of simulated physics and in which collisions are detected.

CLO6 -- Be able to code a VR app that does head motion tracking.

CLO7 -- Be able to code a VR app that syncs 3D audio and 3D video.

CLO8 -- Be able to code a VR app that makes use of hand based gesture inputs and haptic feedback.


There will be four deliverables for the final project throughout the semester. These are:
  1. Project Proposal (due Feb. 6) - This will consist of a 1 page paper that you turn in to me in class. It should have:
    1. a title of your project (0.5pts),
    2. a one paragraph description of what your project is (0.5pts) indicating how it covers the required class learning outcomes (0.5pts), and
    3. a tentative schedule for when you intend to complete things (0.5pts).
  2. Project Milestone 1 (due Mar. 13) - This will consist of a 1 page paper that you turn in to me in class as well as a code review by me (0.5pts). The paper should contain:
    1. a list of team mate roles (0.5pt),
    2. a one paragraph concrete description of the project (0.5pt),
    3. a one paragraph description of the progress so far (1pt),
    4. a list of what's left to do with a timeline to do it (0.5pt).
  3. Project Milestone 2 (due Apr. 10) - This will consist of a 1 page paper that you turn in to me in class as well as a code review by me. I will check for two concrete features that have been implemented (0.5pts) and see that you have skeleton of your project code laid out (0.5pts). The paper portion will be updates to the first milestone. Namely,
    1. a revised list of team mate roles (0.5pt),
    2. a revised one paragraph concrete description of the project (0.5pt),
    3. a revised one paragraph description of the progress so far (0.5pt),
    4. a revised list of what's left to do with a timeline to do it (0.5pt).
  4. Completed Project, Demo Day (due May. 13). I am quite flexible on the specific app you build for the final project. However, it must demonstrate that you are capable of making a VR app satisfying learning outcomes 5-8 and communicating with me how it does that. On the demo day, I will go and review each teams projects and ask each tema to show me how their project achieves each learning outcome. I will then ask the team to copy their code to my computer so I can also review it later. I will then award a grade of up two points an outcome together with a point for overall polish of the app and presentation. While I am reviewing peoples code, other groups can feel free to look at each other's projects.

Point Breakdown

Project Proposal2
Project Milestone 13
Project Milestone 23
Demonstration that app entails competency in CLOs 5-8 (2pts each)8pt
Overall Polish of VR App1
Overall Demo Presentation1