HW #3 Page

HW#3 --- last modified January 16 2019 00:35:12..

A solution set is posted here.

Due date: Oct. 17

Files to be submitted: cs146sec6hw3file1.java(sec 8 if that's your section)
====================== The following problems from the book are due 
                       start of class Oct. 17: 4.19, 4.27, 4.28, 4.43,

Purpose: To gain experience with BSTs, AVL trees, B-trees, and extendible
======== hashing.

cs146sec6hw3file1 is an application which you will use to graphically see
that AVL trees stay balanced as you perform insertions. It is run from
the command line with a line like

java cs146sec6hw3file1 300 200 15 200

It would then create a 300x200 pixel JFrame, and an empty AVL tree called
theTree. The application then generates 15 random numbers less than 200
(use Math.random()). (Of course, if we change the command line number 300
or 200 then the frame size would be different and if we change 15 or 200 
then the number of random numbers we generate or their range changes.)
After generating a number the application inserts this number into
theTree. Once all these inserts are done, the application
draws the tree in the JFrame. 

(1) You should draw the int's stored in the nodes in you draw (use
g.drawString(string,x,y); ).  

(2) Feel free to use the code from the book for
AVL trees. 

(3) To insert int's into the tree use the Integer wrapper class.
This implements the Comparable interface. 

(4) As a hint on how to draw the tree you should try to use a postorder
traversal. After drawing all the subtrees for the children of the root
draw an edge between between each of these subtrees and the root then draw
the root node. You might want your postorder drawing method to have as a
parameter the coordinates for a rectangle on which the tree is supposed to
draw itself. 

Point Breakdown
Department coding guidelines followed.1pt
Random int's are inserted into AVL 
  tree as described above.............1pt
Tree is correctly draw in frame.......1pt


A solution set is posted here.