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4.19 Show result of inserting 2, 1, 4, 5, 9, 3, 6, 7 into an empty AVL tree.

Insert 2         Insert 1          Insert 4         Insert 5

   (2)              (2)              (2)               (2)
                    /                / \               / \
                  (1)              (1) (4)           (1) (4)

 Insert 9        Insert 3          Insert 6         Insert 7

   (2)              (4)               (4)               (4)
   / \              / \               /  \              /  \
 (1) (5)          (2) (5)           (2)  (6)          (2)   (6)
     / \          / \   \           / \  / \          / \   / \
   (4) (9)      (1) (3) (9)       (1)(3)(5)(9)      (1)(3)(5) (9)

4.27 Show the result of accessing the keys 3, 9, 1, 5 in the following
     splay tree:

                    __(4)__         (11)_      
                   (2)    (6)           (12)   
                   / \    / \              \   
                 (1) (3)(5) (8)            (13)
                            / \                
                          (7) (9)              

                           Access 3

Step 1

                    __(3)__         (11)_      
                   (2)    (4)           (12)   
                   /        \              \   
                 (1)        (6)            (13)
                            / \                
                          (5) (8)              
                              / \              
                            (7) (9)            

Step 2

                    __(2)         _(10)_      
                   (1)         (4)      (11)   
                                 \        \   
                                 (6)      (12)
                                 / \        \        
                               (5) (8)      (13)       
                                   / \              
                                 (7) (9)            

                           Access 9

 Step 1

                    __(2)         _(10)_      
                   (1)         (4)      (11)   
                                 \        \   
                                 (9)      (12)
                                 /          \        
                               (8)         (13)       
                             / \
                           (5) (7)                                       

 Step 2

                    __(2)         _(9)__      
                   (1)         (4)      (10)   
                                 \        \   
                                 (8)      (11)
                                 /          \        
                               (6)         (12)       
                               / \            \  
                             (5) (7)         (13)

 Step 3

                    __(3)__        (10)__      
                  (2)    (4)            (11)   
                  /        \              \   
                (1)        (8)            (12)
                           /                \        
                         (6)               (13)       
                         / \                
                       (5) (7)           

                           Access 1

 Step 1

                      (1)__        (10)__      
                         (2)            (11)   
                           \              \   
                           (3)            (12)
                             \              \        
                             (4)            (13)       
                             / \
                           (5) (7) 

 Step 2

                                (2)     (11)   
                                  \       \   
                                  (3)     (12)
                                    \        \        
                                    (4)      (13)       
                                    / \
                                  (5) (7) 

                           Access 5

 Step 1

                                (2)     (11)   
                                  \        \   
                                  (3)     (12)
                                    \        \        
                                    (4)      (13)       

 Step 2

                                (2)     (11)   
                                  \       \   
                                  (5)     (12)
                                  / \       \        
                                (4) (6)     (13)       
                                /     \             
                              (3)     (8)

 Step 3

                                (2)     (9)   
                                  \     / \   
                                  (4) (6) (11)
                                  /     \   \        
                                (3)     (8) (12)       
                                        /     \      
                                      (7)     (13)

 Step 4
                                (1)     (9)   
                                  \     / \   
                                  (2) (6) (11)
                                    \   \   \        
                                    (4) (8) (12)       
                                    /   /     \      
                                  (3) (7)    (13)

4.28 Delete 6 from the splay tree that resulted from the previous exercise.

 Step 1. Rotate 6 to root.

                                (5)     (9)   
                                /       / \   
                              (1)     (8) (11)
                                \     /     \        
                                (2) (7)     (12)       
                                  \           \      
                                  (4)         (13)

 Step 2. Rotate largest in left subtree up to left subtree's root. 
         This is already true since 5 is largest in left subtree. Then
         make right subtree the right subtree of this new left subtree
         and delete old root.

                              (1)       (9)   
                                \       / \   
                                (2)   (8) (11)
                                  \   /     \        
                                  (4)(7)    (12)       
                                  /           \      
                                (3)           (13)

A B*-tree of order M is a B-tree in which the interior node has between 2M/3
and M children. Describe a method to perform insertion into a B*-tree.

Aside: The point of B* trees is that since each node is at least two-thirds
       full rather than half full as in the case of B-trees, the height
       of a B*-tree will be typically be less than that of a B-tree with
       the same number of things stored in it.  Thus, fewer disk accesses
       will be needed to access a node.

According to the definition in the statement of the problem, B*-tree 
satisfies the conditions 1-5 on page 141 on the book except that condition (4)
has \lceil M/2 \rceil replaced with 2M/3. As in the book, we relax the
conditions for the first L insertions. Since condition (5) is unchanged
we will handle splittings of leaf nodes in the case of insertion as before. 
Suppose now as a result of an insertion some internal node i now has M+1
keys. By condition (3) or (4), i is guaranteed to have at least one adjacent
sibling. Let s be the adjacent sibling with the smaller keys. Since before 
the insertion the tree was a B*-tree s has at least 2M/3 elements. If the 
total number of elements in i and s is <= 2M, we put the first half of the 
elements in the node with the smaller keys and the remaining half of the 
elements in the other node. Without loss of generality, suppose this other node 
is i. We then change the key that points to i in the parent of i and s to be 
smallest key in the new subtree under i. If the total number of elements in i
and s is 2M+1 we add a new node j off the parent of i and s right after 
whichever of i and s has the larger elements. We then split the 2M keys and 
their links into three groups of 2M/3 keys and their links. We put the smallest
2M/3 keys and links in the smallest node of i,s, the next 2M/3 keys and links 
in the larger of i,s, and the last 2M/3 keys and links in j. We update the
keys associated with s,i,j in the parents node of these nodes appropriately.
If this parent node now has M+1 keys we do the same procedure as just described 
for node i to it.

Show the results of inserting 10111101, 00000010, 10011011, 10111110,
01111111, 01010001, 10010110, 00001011, 11001111, 10011110, 11011011,
00101011, 01100001, 11110000, 01101111 into an empty extendible hash
structure with M=4.

I will use [ ] to denote the root node.

Step 1            Step2         Step 3        Step 4             Step 5

  [ ]              [ ]            [ ]           [ ]           [ 0   |   1 ]
   |                |              |             |             /         \
10111101         00000010       00000010      00000010      00000010  10011011
                 10111101       10011011      10011011      01111111  10111101
                                10111101      10111101                10111110

     Step 6                      Step 7                    Step 8

   [ 0   |   1 ]              [ 0   |   1 ]             [ 0   |   1 ]
    /         \                /         \               /         \
00000010   10011011         00000010  10010110        00000010   10010110
01010001   10111101         01010001  10011011        00001011   10011011
01111111   10111110         01111111  10111101        01010001   10111101
                                      10111110        01111111   10111110

              Step 9

  [  00  |  01  |  10  |  11  ]  
       \   /      /        \
     00000010  10010110  11001111
     00001011  10011011
     01010001  10111101
     01111111  10111110

                             Step 10

  [  000  |  001  |  010  |  011  | 100 | 101 | 110 |  111  ]
       \____   |    _/_______/     /        |      \   /
            00000010            10010110 10111101  11001111
            00001011            10011011 10111110
            01010001            10011110

                             Step 11

  [  000  |  001  |  010  |  011  | 100 | 101 | 110 |  111  ]
       \____   |    _/_______/     /        |      \   /
            00000010            10010110 10111101  11001111
            00001011            10011011 10111110  11011011
            01010001            10011110

                             Step 12

  [  000  |  001  |  010  |  011  | 100 | 101 | 110 |  111  ]
       \    /          \     /     /        |      \   /
      00000010        01010001  10010110 10111101  11001111
      00001011        01111111  10011011 10111110  11011011
      00101011                  10011110

                             Step 13

  [  000  |  001  |  010  |  011  | 100 | 101 | 110 |  111  ]
       \    /          \     /     /        |      \   /
      00000010        01010001  10010110 10111101  11001111
      00001011        01100001  10011011 10111110  11011011
      00101011        01111111  10011110

                             Step 14

  [  000  |  001  |  010  |  011  | 100 | 101 | 110 |  111  ]
       \    /          \     /     /        |      \   /
      00000010        01010001  10010110 10111101  11001111
      00001011        01100001  10011011 10111110  11011011
      00101011        01111111  10011110           11110000

                             Step 15

  [  000  |  001  |  010  |  011  | 100 | 101 | 110 |  111  ]
       \    /          \     /     /        |      \   /
      00000010        01010001  10010110 10111101  11001111
      00001011        01100001  10011011 10111110  11011011
      00101011        01101111  10011110           11110000

//cs146sec6hw3file1.java - an application to draw AVL trees

import java.awt.*; // for drawing
import java.awt.event.*; // for window closing
import java.awt.geom.*; // for Rectangle
import javax.swing.*; // for JFrame


   This application draws randomly created AVL trees into a
   JFrame. It is run from the command line with a line like

   java cs146sec6hw3file1 xSize ySize num range

   It would then create a xSize x ySize JFrame. The application 
   then generates num many random numbers less than range and
   inserts them into an AVL tree which it then graphically draws.
   @author  Chris Pollett
   @version 1.0			
public class cs146sec6hw3file1 extends JFrame
      The constructor creates a new AvlTree and insert into it
      numberOfRandoms meany  random numbers less than rangeOfNumbers.

      @param numberOfRandoms - the number of random numbers to generate.
      @param rangeOfRandoms - the max value for the random numbers
   public cs146sec6hw3file1( int numberOfRandoms, int rangeOfRandoms) 
      super("AVL Drawer");	
      avlTree = new AvlTree();
      int random;

      for(int i = 0; i < numberOfRandoms; i++)
         random = (int)(Math.random()*rangeOfRandoms);
         avlTree.insert(new Integer(random));


      Called whenever our frame needs to be painted.
      This method clear the screen and gets the size of the
      rectangle that tree must draw into. Then draws the AvlTree.

      @param g - graphics context for frame
   public void paint(Graphics g)
 	Rectangle screenBounds = getContentPane().getBounds();
        screenBounds.y += screenBounds.height/SCALING;
        screenBounds.height -= screenBounds.height/SCALING;
        g.clearRect(screenBounds.x, screenBounds.y,
                    screenBounds.width, screenBounds.height);


        avlTree.drawTree(g, screenBounds);    

   // Main entry point
   public static void main(String[] args) 
      if( args.length < 4 )
         System.err.println("You need four command line arguments:"); 
         System.err.println("sizeX sizeY number_of_randoms randoms_range"); 
      cs146sec6hw3file1 app = new cs146sec6hw3file1(Integer.parseInt(args[2]),

      app.setSize(Integer.parseInt(args[0]), Integer.parseInt(args[1]));

      app.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() //anonymous inner class
            public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e)



   AvlTree avlTree;
   static final int SCALING = 8;

} //end cs146sec6hw2file1.java

  What follows is essentially the code from the book for the
  AvlTree structure. We have deleted some methods and made class
  non-public so everything fits into one file. We have added
  to the class a drawTree method that can be used to draw the
  AvlTree to a Graphics object. Have left methods as public
  that would be public if had multiple files. Left their javadoc
  comments as well.
class AvlTree
     Construct the tree.
   public AvlTree( )
      root = null;

      Insert into the tree; duplicates are ignored.
      @param x the item to insert.
   public void insert( Comparable x )
       root = insert( x, root );

      Draws the current AvlTree to the graphics context
      within the specified rectangular bounds.

      @param g - the graphics context
      @param bounds - the rectangular bounds.
   public void drawTree(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds)
       int screenHeightOffset = bounds.height/root.height;


      Draws tree rooted at t to graphics context g within the
      rectangular bounds and with each level of tree offset
      many pixels below previous.
   private void drawTree(Graphics g, AvlNode t, Rectangle bounds, int offset)
       int treeY = bounds.y;
       int fontHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
       int subtreeY = treeY + offset;
       int subtreeHeight = bounds.height - offset;
       int subtreeWidth = bounds.width/2;
       int leftTreeX = bounds.x;
       int rightTreeX = leftTreeX + subtreeWidth;
       // draw in post-order

       if(t.left != null)  //draw left tree and line from root
         drawTree(g, t.left, new Rectangle(leftTreeX, subtreeY,
                          subtreeWidth, subtreeHeight), offset);
         g.drawLine(rightTreeX, treeY, 
              leftTreeX + subtreeWidth/2, subtreeY-fontHeight);

       if(t.right != null) //draw right tree and line from root
          drawTree(g, t.right, new Rectangle(rightTreeX, subtreeY,
                          subtreeWidth, subtreeHeight), offset);
          g.drawLine(rightTreeX, treeY, 
              rightTreeX + subtreeWidth/2, subtreeY-fontHeight);

       //draw root
       g.drawString(t.element.toString(), rightTreeX, treeY);   

   private AvlNode insert( Comparable x, AvlNode t )
     if( t == null )
        t = new AvlNode( x, null, null );
     else if( x.compareTo( t.element ) < 0 )
        t.left = insert( x, t.left );
        if( height( t.left ) - height( t.right ) == 2 )
           if( x.compareTo( t.left.element ) < 0 )
              t = rotateWithLeftChild( t );
              t = doubleWithLeftChild( t );
     else if( x.compareTo( t.element ) > 0 )
        t.right = insert( x, t.right );
        if( height( t.right ) - height( t.left ) == 2 )
           if( x.compareTo( t.right.element ) > 0 )
              t = rotateWithRightChild( t );
              t = doubleWithRightChild( t );
        ;  // Duplicate; do nothing
     t.height = max( height( t.left ), height( t.right ) ) + 1;
     return t;

    Return the height of node t, or -1, if null.
   private static int height( AvlNode t )
      return t == null ? -1 : t.height;

     Return maximum of lhs and rhs.
   private static int max( int lhs, int rhs )
      return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;

     Rotate binary tree node with left child.
     For AVL trees, this is a single rotation for case 1.
     Update heights, then return new root.
   private static AvlNode rotateWithLeftChild( AvlNode k2 )
      AvlNode k1 = k2.left;
      k2.left = k1.right;
      k1.right = k2;
      k2.height = max( height( k2.left ), height( k2.right ) ) + 1;
      k1.height = max( height( k1.left ), k2.height ) + 1;
      return k1;

     Rotate binary tree node with right child.
     For AVL trees, this is a single rotation for case 4.
     Update heights, then return new root.
   private static AvlNode rotateWithRightChild( AvlNode k1 )
      AvlNode k2 = k1.right;
      k1.right = k2.left;
      k2.left = k1;
      k1.height = max( height( k1.left ), height( k1.right ) ) + 1;
      k2.height = max( height( k2.right ), k1.height ) + 1;
      return k2;

     Double rotate binary tree node: first left child
     with its right child; then node k3 with new left child.
     For AVL trees, this is a double rotation for case 2.
     Update heights, then return new root.
   private static AvlNode doubleWithLeftChild( AvlNode k3 )
      k3.left = rotateWithRightChild( k3.left );
      return rotateWithLeftChild( k3 );

     Double rotate binary tree node: first right child
     with its left child; then node k1 with new right child.
     For AVL trees, this is a double rotation for case 3.
     Update heights, then return new root.
   private static AvlNode doubleWithRightChild( AvlNode k1 )
      k1.right = rotateWithLeftChild( k1.right );
      return rotateWithRightChild( k1 );

   /* The tree root. */
   private AvlNode root;

  This class encapsulates the nodes for the AvlTree class.
class AvlNode
   // Constructors
   AvlNode( Comparable theElement )
      this( theElement, null, null );

   AvlNode( Comparable theElement, AvlNode lt, AvlNode rt )
      element  = theElement;
      left     = lt;
      right    = rt;
      height   = 0;

   // Friendly data; accessible by other package routines
   Comparable element;      // The data in the node
   AvlNode    left;         // Left child
   AvlNode    right;        // Right child
   int        height;       // Height