PIC 10b Fall 2000 HW #5

Homework FAQ.

Solution set.

Due date: Nov. 29. Lecture 1's due time is:  noon 
=========          Lecture 2's due time is:  5:30pm.

Reading Assignment: Reading in Sedgewick. Finish 5.3-5.7
Files to submit:   pic10bhw5file1.cpp   - Sedgewick 5.55
                   pic10bhw5file2.txt - Sedgewick 5.63, 5.69, 5.71   
                   pic10bhw5file3.cpp - tree program described below

HW5 Purpose: To gain practice with recursion, memoization, and trees. 

General Instructions
For problem 5.55 you should include in your file both your
recursive function which should have prototype

int choose (int n, int k);

as well as a driver program which asks the user for two
integers n,k then computes choose(n,k) then allows
the user to compute choose(n,k) for two other numbers if
the user so desires.

Using the struct on page 234 of Sedgewick you should write
a small driver program which first creates the following tree:

     12       (The item stored in the root is the integer 12)
    9 16        
   /   /\
  7   13 18

It then calls the functions 

void PreOrder(link h, void visit(link)); //does preorder traversal of tree
void InOrder(link h, void visit(link));  //does inorder traversal of tree
void PostOrder(link h, void visit(link));//does postorder traversal of tree

on the above tree using the functions

void vis1(link l); which just prints out the item stored in the l.
void vis2(link l); which prints out (l->item)%5. 

HW5 Point Breakdown
If the submit program didn't collect your file
because you misnamed it or you did not follow
the required formatting instructions in the syllabus
you will get a 0 without an opportunity for a regrade.

How well your code is commented.........1pt.
choose function works and uses
recursion and uses memoization..........1pt.
Driver program for choose works as
described above.........................1pt.
5.63, 5.69, 5.71 .......................3pt. (1pt each)
file3 traversal code correct............1pt.
has two different visit functions 
 as described above that work correctly.1pt.