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Fall 2000 PIC 10b HW5 Solutions Page

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//  pic10bhw5file1.cpp
//  A program that uses memoization to compute the number of combinations 
//  of two user supplied integers.


static const int maxSize=50; // this constant is used to control the
                             // size of the array for memoization

int choose(int N, int k); // this function computes C(N,k)

// Function name: main()
// Purpose: Driver of combinations program. Call gets N, k from the user
//          then calls choose(N,k) to compute C(N,k) and prints out the
//          result. Allows the user to do another computation of C(N,k)
//          if desired. 
// Known Bugs: none

int main()
   bool flag = true;

   int N,k;

   char c;

   cout << "Welcome to the combinations calculator program.\n";
   cout << "===============================================\n\n";


	cout << "Please enter a first integer: ";
	cin >> N;

        cout << "\nPlease enter a second integer: ";
        cin >> k;

        cout << "\nC(N,k) is: " << choose(N,k) << endl;

        cout << "If you would like to run the program again type y/Y \n";

        cin >> c;

        if( c == 'y' || c== 'Y') flag=true; 

   return 0;

// Function name: choose(N,k)
// Purpose computes C(N,k) the number of ways to choose k items from a set of
//         size k. Uses Pascal's Triangle and memoization to do the
//         computation.
// Known Bugs: none

int choose(int N, int k)
	static int C[maxSize][maxSize]; // where we store the memoized values

	if(N < k || k < 0) return 0; // handles some exceptional cases

        if(k == 0 || N == k) return 1; // base case
	if(C[N][k] !=0) return C[N][k]; // check if number has already 
                                        // been computed

        return C[N][k]=choose(N-1,k)+choose(N-1,k-1); // if not
                                             // compute it, store it and
                                             // return result

//  pic10bhw5file2.txt

5.63 Draw the ordered tree that corresponds to the string: 

     ( (() (()()) ()) (() () ()) )

     The tree one gets is:

                        / \
                       /   \
                      *     *
                     /|\   /|\
                    * * * * * *
                     / \
                    *   *

5.69 Give upper and lower bounds on the height of an M-ary tree with N
     internal nodes. (We define height to be max level of trees internal

     An upper bound is N-1. 

     Proof by induction. The only tree with 1 internal node looks like

                    / |...|...| \  (M many external children)
                   *  *   *   *  * (using [] to denote internal node and *'s
                                   to denote external one's)

     It has height 0 = 1-1. Suppose any tree of k< N internal nodes
     has height at most k-1. Consider a tree T with N nodes. It must have a
     leaf. Replacing this leaf with an external node creates a tree T'
     with N-1 internal nodes of height at most one less than T. 
     By the induction hypothesis, the height of T' is at most N-2, so the height
     of T is at most N-1. Q.E.D.

     The upper bound can be achieved by the tree on N nodes that looks

                       //..|    \ 
                      * *  *    []            (with N internal nodes along
                             //..|   \          rightmost branch)
                            * *  *   []       
                                  //..| \
                                 * *  *   .

                                          * *  * *

      A lower bound is logM(N).
      Proof by induction. In the case of the tree with 1 internal the
      height is 0 = logM1. Suppose true of tree with fewer
      that N internal nodes. Consider any tree T with N nodes.


      Here Ti is the ith subtree of T. Let ki be the
      number of internal nodes in the ith subtree. Since T has N internal nodes
      and the root is an internal node, ki < N for all i.
      So the induction hypothesis implies the height of Ti
      is at least logM(ki). So T must have height at least


      This is smallest when each of the Ti's have same number of
      internal nodes. In which case the above equation equals
      logM(N/M) + 1 = logM(N) - logM(M) +1
                               = logM(N) -1 +1
                               = logM(N)

      which proves the induction step. QED

      The lower bound can be achieved when the M-ary tree is completely

5.71 Give upper and lower bounds on the number of leaves in a binary
     tree with N nodes.

     Well, the M=2 case of the tree with maximal height given in 5.69
     has only 1 leaf. So this is the best we can do for a lower bound.

     For an upper bound, we use property 5.5 from the book which say
     that the number of external nodes in a binary tree is one more
     than the number of internal nodes. 

     So if there are N nodes total then there at most (N-1)/2 + 1
     = (N+1)/2 external nodes.
     A leaf is connected to two external nodes. So if all the external
     nodes were connected to leaves we would have (N+1)/4 leaves.
     Thus, this upper bounded the number of leaves we could have.

// File: pic10bhw5file3.cpp
// Contents: program to test out various tree traversals;


// Typedef's & struct's

typedef int Item; //C style typedefs used on this homework

struct node {Item item; node *l, *r;}; //here is our struct for a binary tree

typedef node* link; 

// Functions used for visiting nodes

// Function name: vis1
// Purpose: prints out the item of the current node      
// Known Bugs: none

void vis1(link h)
	cout << h->item << " ";

// Function name: vis2
// Purpose: prints out the item mod 5 of the current node     
// Known Bugs: none

void vis2(link h)
	cout << (h->item)%5 << " ";


void PreOrder(link h, void visit(link)); //does preorder traversal of tree
void InOrder(link h, void visit(link));  //does inorder traversal of tree
void PostOrder(link h, void visit(link));//does postorder traversal of tree

// Function name: main()
// Purpose: Driver program to test out various tree traversals.
//          first creates the tree given in the hw specification
//          then does preorder, inorder and postorder traversal on
//          this tree using the functions vis1 and vis2 when visiting nodes.  
// Known Bugs: none

int main()
	//create tree from HW description
	link h= new node(); //default constructor initializes everything to 0

	h->item = 12;
	h->l = new node();
	h->r = new node();
        h->l->item = 9;
	h->r->item = 16;
        h->l->l = new node();
	h->l->l->item = 7; 
	h->r->l = new node();
	h->r->l->item = 13;
	h->r->r = new node();
	h->r->r->item = 18;	

	// now print out various traversals

	cout << "Welcome to the traversal testing program.\n";
	cout << "=========================================\n";

	cout << "\nFirst we do a preorder traversal using vis1:\n\n";
	cout << "\n\n2nd we do a preorder traversal using vis2:\n\n";

	cout << "\n\n3rd we do a inorder traversal using vis1:\n\n";
	cout << "\n\n4th we do a inorder traversal using vis2:\n\n";

	cout << "\n\n5th we do a postorder traversal using vis1:\n\n";
	cout << "\n\n6th we do a postorder traversal using vis2:\n\n";

	cout << "\n\nThat was fun but now this program is all done. Have"
	     << " a nice day!\n";

	return 0;

// Function name: PreOrder
// Purpose: Does a PreOrder traversal of the tree pointed to by h
//          using the function visit to visit a node       
// Known Bugs: none

void PreOrder(link h, void visit(link))
	if(h == NULL) return;
	PreOrder(h->l, visit);
	PreOrder(h->r, visit);


// Function name: InOrder
// Purpose: Does a InOrder traversal of the tree pointed to by h
//          using the function visit to visit a node       
// Known Bugs: none

void InOrder(link h, void visit(link))
	if(h == NULL) return;
	InOrder(h->l, visit);
	InOrder(h->r, visit);

// Function name: PostOrder
// Purpose: Does a PostOrder traversal of the tree pointed to by h
//          using the function visit to visit a node     
// Known Bugs: none

void PostOrder(link h, void visit(link))
	if(h == NULL) return;
	PostOrder(h->l, visit);
	PostOrder(h->r, visit);