Program: example_fork_exec_pipe.c
CS-160: Software Engineering
Instructor: Robert Bruce
Spring 2017

This program demonstrates the equivalent of a popen() command. The parent process creates a named pipe. The parent process then forks a child process. The child process executes ffprobe then sends the output from ffprobe to the parent process through the named pipe.

The full source code for example_fork_exec_pipe.c is available at (right mouse click then select "Save link as" to download).

A test video used by above program is available at (right mouse click then select "Save link as" to download).

A makefile to compile example_fork_exec_pipe.c is available at (right mouse click then select "Save link as" to download).

To compile example_fork_exec_pipe.c, type make within a shell command prompt in the same directory containining example_fork_exec_pipe.c and your Makefile.