Chris Pollett >
Students >
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[Deliverable 1]
[Deliverable 2]
[Deliverable 3]
[Deliverable 4 : Dataset]
[CS297 Report - PDF]
[CS298 Proposal]
[CS298 Report - PDF]
Project Blog
Nov 4, 2019
- Performed several experiments with and without context.
- Quantified the results. Results seem to be better with context which helps by giving the context about what the sentence is about.
- Propose some use cases.
Oct 22, 2019
- Trained the model on increased dataset. Tuned the model to improve the accuracy
Oct 8, 2019
- Developed the model and trained on small sample dataset.
Sept 24, 2019
- Developed the flow to extract text and context from images using Google APIs
Sept 10, 2019
- Analyzed the sample dataset collected. Continue collecting the dataset throughout the semester.
- Discussed the implementation techniques
- Model 1 : Use sequence translation model to translate the text in the image.
- Model 2 : Use model to summarize the images.
- For the ambiguous translations in model1 use results from model2 to find the translation with the highest probability.
Sept 3, 2019
- Discussed more about dataset collection for the project.
Aug 27, 2019
- Group meeting to decide timings and discuss CS 298 proposal.
May 6, 2019
- Submitted the project report
Apr 30, 2019
Apr 23, 2019
- Discuss Deliverable 4 to extract the dataset
Apr 16, 2019
- Present the paper related to text detection in images
- Discuss Deliverable 3
- Discuss Deliverable 4 to extract the dataset
Apr 9, 2019
- Discussed text extraction techniques
- Discuss Deliverable 3
- Read papers related to text detection/extraction
Mar 26, 2019
- Discussed techniques for image translation (xgettext, .po, .mo files)
Mar 19, 2019
- Discussed the second deliverable
- Finalize the deliverable 2 after doing minor changes
- Read some more papers related to language translation
Mar 12, 2019
- Present the paper on Language translation
- Start text detection from images using openCV libraries
Mar 4, 2019
- Find dataset and start text detection using openCV libraries
- Read a paper on language translation
Feb 26, 2019
- Downloaded images from google to improve dataset. CNN model gave better accuracy for this new dataset
- Improve the dataset for deliverable 1 and do some more experiments
- Update the document for Deliverable 1
- Find relevant papers related to the project and update the document
Feb 19, 2019
- Discussed the deliverable_1 that was developed using both linear regression and CNN and building of dataset with openCV
- Discussed strategies to improve the accuracy for CNN implementation
- Increase the size of dataset
- Print activations at each stage for filters applied
- Print the various filters being applied
Feb 12, 2019
- Decided on sub projects for understanding and building the main project
- Plotted out more concrete deliverables required for 297.
- Start working on deliverable_1 to detect suit and values on playing cards using CNN.
- Decide the platform and libraries for developing the project and also for image transformation for the dataset.
- Develop first cut of this project.
Feb 5, 2019
- Discussed the project in detail
- Discussed about neural networks in general
TODO: Make necessary changes to 297 proposal
January 29, 2019
- Decided the project topic
- Decided the meeting day and time for the project to be Tuesday 3.15PM
TODO : Develop understanding of neural networks