Chris Pollett > Students > Qiao
[Bio] [Blog] [Del 2-Introduction to Word Embedding] [Del 3-Data Preprocessing Program] |
Deliverable #1: An example program to run in TensorFlow.This deliverable is an example program implemented in TensorFlow. This program uses softmax to recognize handwritten digits from the MNIST dataset. Besides a model is trained, TensorBoard is used for visualizing learning in this program. Prior to this implementation, I studied machine learning, neural network, Python, and Tensoflow. The MNIST data is hosted on Yann LeCun's website, consists of 70,000 data points. Each data point consists of a label and an image of a handwritten digit. The label is a digit from 0 to 9. The image is 28 pixels by 28 pixels. The softmax regression is commonly used in the multinomial regression. It is used to classify the handwritten digits. References: |