Deliverable #3: Paikin & Tal Solver

Paikin & Tal Solver - zip

This program is my own implementation of the Paikin & Tal Solver as described in their 2015 paper is runs in Python version 2.7.11. The required libraries are:
  • OpenCV: An open-source computer vision library
  • NumPy: A package that simplifies large matrix computations.
  • Pickle (Optional): An object serialization library
If you are running Python in Windows (tested in Windows 7 and 10 only), you can use the Miniconda Python Distribution; note, Miniconda is the Python platform I used for my development. Windows users can download a Windows batch file to install all of the needed packages. This program has two primary packages namely:
  • hammoudeh_puzzle_solver: Excluding the driver, this package is independent of the solver algorithm being used. Its main classes are below. There are other classes as well, but the ones below encapsulate those an average user may encounter.
    • Puzzle: This encapsulates a puzzle. The parameters passed to its constructor are: a path to an image file and an object specifying the PuzzleType.
    • PuzzlePiece: These are created by the Puzzle class in the make_pieces method. A puzzle is composed of one or more PuzzlePiece objects. Generally a user should not be creating PuzzlePieces.
    • PuzzleType: An enumerated type that defines whether the problem is a type 1 or type 2 puzzle (see my Jigsaw puzzle problem literature review for more details on puzzle types).
  • paikin_tal_solver: This package's implementation is specific to the requirements of the Paikin & Tal solver. Its primary classes are described below.
    • PaikinTalSolver: This is class is the sole interface between a user and the solver. Its constructor is passed:
      • A list of PuzzlePiece objects.
      • The number of puzzles from which the PuzzlePieces were drawn.
      • A function that calculates the distance between two PuzzlePieces.
      • (Optional) The PuzzleType. If the user does not specify the type, it defaults to type1.
      • (Optional) When solving multiple simultaneous puzzles, a new board is spawned when the mutual compatibility of the next piece to place falls below a certain threshold. The user can either specify the threshold in the constructor or use the default which is 0.5.
      • (Optional) Paikin and Tal's default approach only requires the user to specify the number of boards. A variant of the problem they also discuss allows the user to specify the dimensions of the board. If no dimensions are specified, the board grows organically without boundaries.
    • InterPieceDistance: This encapsulates and manages all of the inter-puzzle piece distances (e.g. asymmetric distance, asymmetric compatibility, mutual compatibility, best buddies, starter piece, etc). Given a set of n PuzzlePiece objects, an InterPieceDistance object contains n objects of type PieceDistanceInformation.
    • PieceDistanceInformation: Each puzzle piece has an associated object of this type that stores its specific inter-puzzle piece distance information with respect to all other PuzzlePieces. Objects of this type are only members of the class InterPieceDistance and are not directly accessible by the user.
Below is the input and output of my implementation when solving two images at once as type-2 puzzles.

Original Image

Solved Image

Image #1:

   (672 Pieces)   

Blue Design - Original

Blue Design - Solved

Image #2:

   (540 Pieces)   

McGill Dataset Image 20 - Original

McGill Dataset Image 20 - Solved

The implementation works well even on very large puzzles. An example, the image below contains 3,300 pieces and was solved as type 2. Note that only a couple of pieces are output of place on the right side of the solved image.


Original Image


Jungle House - Original


Solved Image


Jungle House - Solved