Chris Pollett > Students >

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    [Project Blog]

    [CS297 Proposal]


    [English dictionary Trie]

    [Google Autosuggest]

    [Autosuggestion in Yioop]

    [Multi-word Autosuggest]

    [CS297 Report-PDF]

    [CS298 Proposal]

    [Autosuggest for foreign languages]

    [CS298 Project Report-PDF]

    [CS298 Presentation-PDF]

    [Project Code-ZIP]




The aim of this deliverable was to add a new feature to the existing functionality to accept foreign inputs as queries (non-ASCII).

This feature helped to make the autosuggest work for foriegn languages. The feature is now up to date to work for any foreign input. But the ones currently tested are French and Russian query inputs.

Below are the snapshots for suggestion of French words

French suggest

French suggest

Below are the snapshots for suggestion of Russian words.

Russian suggest

Russian suggest