Chris Pollett > Students >


    [Project Blog]

    [CS 297 Proposal]

    [Adobe Flash Media Server - PPT]

    [Flex and ActionScript - PPT]

    [Del 1-Streams recorded mp3 file]

    [Del 2-Streams output of webcam]

    [Del 3-Bandwidth experiments]

    [Del 4-Load Balancing Server]

    [CS 297 Report - PDF]

    [CS 298 Proposal - PDF]

    [CS 298 Report- PDF]

    [CS 298 Presentation- PPT]

    [Installation guide]


CS297-298 Project News Feed

May 20

Day of Defense.

May 13

Discussed CS 298 presentation slides. Professor suggested few changes in the slides.For next week: Prepare for defense.

May 5

Discussed about the report. Dr. pollett suggested some changes in the report.Submitted draft to the committee members.

April 28

Finished CS 298 Report.

April 21

Discussed about testing.

April 14

Start writing CS 298 report.

April 7

Showed testing results.

April 21

Showed demo of displaying multiple chat room with multiple user videos playing in each chat room.

April 1

Discussed about front-end of user videos.

March 25

Showed demo of attendee list in chat rooms. Attendee list is stored in shared object.

March 18

Discussed about stream naming issues. Each chat room creates individual users list shared object.

March 11

Discussed about issues in making proxied connection in server.Room instances should connect to master instance in order to update status of chat room list shared object owned by master instance.

March 4

When user double clicks on chat room name in the list connection to individual room instance is made. Showed demo of connecting to individual room instance and opening a new chat room window when user double clicks on chat room name from dash board page.

Feb 24

Discussed about separate room instances for chat rooms.

Feb 17

List of chat rooms with users count are stored in Flash Media Server Shared Object. Showed demo of displaying chat room list in dash board page.

Feb 10

Private chat room passwords are stored in shared object managed by the master instance of the server. Created private chat room.For next week: display private and public chat room list in the dash board page.

Feb 3

Chat room names are stored in shared object. Showed demo of creating public chat room. For next week: Create private chat room.

Jan 27

Discussed about project status.

Dec 9

Showed demo of creating a new chat room and displaying web cam streams of up to five users in a page. If maximum number of users exceeds limit shows error message.Displays username of current logged in user in flex application.

Oct 28

Discussed about the use of shared objects in creating new chat rooms. Features of shared object.

Oct 21

List of users who has account in the web site can be displayed in Flex.The user accounts are stored in MySQL database. Showed demo of displaying users list in Flex.

Oct 14

Showed demo of video messaging.
For next week:Create xml file and display in flex.Get flex make connection to server and request xml using PHP.

Oct 7

Discussed about front-end issues.List online users.create links for creating chat room and join existing chat room. Provide a search button to search members. List the chat rooms.

Sep 23

Fixed the code to prevent Mysql injection attack

Sep 16

Authenticated users using php.Discussed about MySql injection attack

Sep 9

Created login form and sign-up form. Signup allows users to create new account in the site. User details are stored in MySql data base.

Sep 2

Submitted CS 298 Proposal.

Aug 26

Discussed CS 298 Proposal.

May 13

Showed CS 297 Report.Discussed Load Balancing Issues.

May 6

Showed Deliverable 3:For next week:Write CS 297 Report.Load Balancing Experiments:ping each of servers.if all servers have nothing randomly choose one.otherwise need to sort.

Apr 29

Bandwidth experiments.simulate multiple web cam working with same performance degrades.Media Server and Web server seperate.

Apr 15

Demoed Deliverable 2

Mar 18

Demoed Deliverable 1:For next week:Write a program to stream output of webcam via server.

Mar 11

Write a program to stream recorded mp3 file from flash media server to client.

Mar 4

Fix Code

Feb 26

Prepared presentation on Flex and ActionScript.For next week:(1)Write a program to send image from server to client.

Feb 12

Demoed Flash Media Server Setup.

Feb 5

Prepared presentation on Adobe Flash Media Server.