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CS297-298 Project News Feed

Meeting #22 (3/6/2007)
   (Posted on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 23:40:06 PDT .)
# Tasks to do:
  1. Find out why PotgreSQl system could not detect while making fucntions.

# Next meeting (3/13/07)

Meeting #21 (2/27/2007)
   (Posted on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 23:29:56 PDT .)
# Tasks to do:
  1. Find some exaples with compilation instructions for compiling C code into SO (Shared Object), i.e., fcur.c into

# Next meeting (3/6/07)

Meeting #20 (2/13/2007)
   (Posted on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 23:00:27 PST .)
# Tasks to do:
  1. Do a "C" example on how to create PostgreSQL Type in Linux environment.  Use GCC or Cygwin complier if possible.

# Next meeting (2/27/07)

Meeting #19 (1/31/2007) - Spring 07 Begins
   (Posted on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 22:32:04 PST .)
# Tasks to do:
  1. Do a "C" example on how to create Type in PostgreSQL, involved Functions.  Use GCC or Cygwin complier.

# Next meeting (2/5/07)

Meeting #18 (9/12/2006)
   (Posted on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 15:25:11 PDT .)
# Reviewed progress on DEFINE TYPE function.

# Tasks to do:

  1. Research on "CREATE LANGUAGE" command for Java.
  2. Go through C examples on "CREATE FUCTION" command.
  3. Alternatively, can we used PL/pgSQL as the primary programming language for the project?
# Next meeting (10/2/2006)  

Meeting #17 (9/12/2006)
   (Posted on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 21:29:29 PDT .)
# Discussed "CREATE TYPE name..." in more details such as INPUT, OUTPUT functions, and INTERNALLENGTH.

# Tasks to do:

  1. Example on "CREATE TYPE name..." command
  2. Three suggestions on how to insert XML data.
# Next meeting (9/26/2006)  

Meeting #16 (9/5/2006)
   (Posted on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 21:24:20 PDT .)
# Discussed XML DTD and Schema.

# Discussed parameterized typing fuctions.

# Tasks to do:

  1. Researched to see which GiST tree to use
  2. Find some "C" or "C++" parsers; or use Java and SAX parser.
  3. Search and study XML DTD and Schema tutorials.
# Next meeting (9/12/2006)  

Meeting #15 (8/30/2006)
   (Posted on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 21:14:32 PDT .)
# Reviewed CS297 Report.

# Reviewed CS298 Proposal

# Tasks to do:

I.  Add another paragraph to Introduction of CS298 Proposal about PostgreSQL.

II. Submit CS298 Proposal.

Meeting #14 (8/24/2006)
   (Posted on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 21:07:43 PDT .)
# Tasks to do:

I. Revise CS297 Final Report:
  1. Expand future work to 1 page.
  2. Expand introduction to 1 page.  Describe the project in more details.
  3. Give Dr. Pollett a PDF version.

II. Prepare CS298 Proposal:

# Next Meeting: (8/30/2006)

Meeting #13 (5/16/2006)
   (Posted on Wed, 17 May 2006 23:52:28 PDT .)
# Reviewed the second draft of the final report.
# Tasks to do:
  1. Continue on the Deliverable #3.
  2. Add some more details to the Deliveralbe #3.

Meeting #12 (5/9/2006)
   (Posted on Wed, 17 May 2006 23:41:44 PDT .)
# Reviewed the first draft of the final report.
# Tasks to do:
  1. Continue on the Deliverable #3.
# Next Meeting (5/16/2006) 

Meeting #11 (5/2/2006)
   (Posted on Mon, 15 May 2006 00:46:23 PDT .)
# Discussed what shoud be on the final report.
# Discussed Deliverable #3
  1. Create two more functions for Tetrahedron.
# Next Meeting (5/9/2006)

Meeting #10 (4/25/2006)
   (Posted on Mon, 01 May 2006 21:50:44 PDT .)
# Reviewed Deliverable #2 and suggested enhancements:
  1. Revise the description paragraph.
# Next Meeting (5/2/2006)

# Additional Tasks to do:
  1. Create one new function for Cube index.
  2. Create five functions for Tetrahedron index.

Meeting #9 (4/18/2006)
   (Posted on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 03:23:41 PDT .)
# Reviewed deliverable #1 and suggested enhancements:
  1. Remove invalid chars for XML parsers before processing and uploading records to DB.  Keep these chars: Tab, CR, Line Feed, and Form Feed.

# Reviewed Deliverable #2 and suggested enhancements:
  1. Replace <font> tag with <style> tag.
  2. Replace <list> tag with <ol> tag.
  3. Replace XHTML 1.0 to 1.1.
  4. Reduce the size of output screen captures.
  5. Rename the file names of output screen captures to short names such as del2_1.jpg, del2_2.jpg

# Next Meeting (4/25/2006)

# Additional Tasks to do:
  1. Create one new function for Cube index.
  2. Slides on how to implement Pyramid index.
  3. PostgreSQL functions for Pyramid index.
  4. How to modify these functions.

Meeting #8 (4/26/2006)
   (Posted on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 00:59:59 PDT .)
# Debuged deliverable #1.
# Reviewed Deliverable #2 and made some suggestions.

# Next Meeting (4/18/2006)

# Tasks to do:
  1. Revise deliverable #1.
  2. Deliverable #2: patial search with tsearch2.  If no results, use regular LIKE operator.
  3. Review trees: B+, KD, R.
  4. Example of GiST implementations for, i.e. Cube.

Meeting #7 (3/21/2006)
   (Posted on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 00:27:54 PDT .)
# Reviewed Deliverable #2 and made some suggestions.

# Next Meeting (4/6/2006)

# Tasks to do:
  1. Revise deliverable #2 to employ "documents" and "document" functions on page 969 of PostgreSQL book.  Search for phrase of words.
  2. Read and prepare slides for GiST chapter.
  3. Revise deliverable #1 to parse any simple XML document.

Meeting #6 (3/14/2006)
   (Posted on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 21:31:56 PST .)
# Reviewed PowerPoint document, New Inlining Algorithm.
# Reviewed deliverable #1.
# Reviewed work of deliverable #2.

# Next Meeting (3/21/2006)

# Tasks to do:
  1. Minor fixes for PowerPoint document, New Inlining Algorithm.
  2. Continue work on deliverable #2 (Searching docs in digital library DB).
  3. Try to use SAX Parser for deliverable #1.

Meeting #5 (3/7/2006)
   (Posted on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 16:10:54 PST .)
#Reviewed examples for the translation and decomposition section at the end of PowerPoint doc #3.
# Reviewed deliverable #1.
# Reviewed initial work for deliveralbe #2.

# Next Meeting (3/14/2006)

# Tasks to do:
  1. Try deliverable #1 again with SAX parser (removing html portions and make input file as a well formed xml document.
  2. Continue deliverable #2 (Searching docs in digital library DB).

Meeting #4 (2/28/2006)
   (Posted on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 18:25:08 PST .)
# Reviewed deliverable #1.
# Reviewed PowperPoint doc #3.
# Installed scripts and made tsearch2 working.

# Next Meeting (3/7/2006)

# Tasks to do:
  1. Some touchup on deliverable #1 before posting up.
  2. Add examples to the translation and decomposition section at the end of PowerPoint doc #3.
  3. Do reading #4.
  4. Install Apache server and PHP.  Start working on Deliverable #2.

Meeting #3 (2/21/2006)
   (Posted on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 11:19:14 PST .)
# Reviewed the changes of PowerPoint Doc #1 and #2.

# Next Meeting (2/28/2006)

# Tasks to do:
  1. Continue Deliverable #1.
  2. Figure out why tsearch2 functions not working.
  3. Do reading #3.

Meeting #2 (2/14/2006)
   (Posted on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 14:56:20 PST .)
# Reviewed PowerPoint Doc #2 (tsearch2 package.)

# Next Meeting (2/21/2006)

# Tasks to do:
  1. Can we control "Stop words" and "Stems" in tsearch2 environment?
  2. Demo some working tsearch2 queries.
  3. Show deliverable #1.

Meeting #1 (2/7/2006)
   (Posted on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 23:31:39 PST .)
# Reviewed power point Doc #1 (Storing and Querying Ordered XML Using a Relational Database System.

# Next Meeting (2/14/2006)
# Task to do:
  1. Send in my short Biography.
  2. Fix up power point doc #1 with xml tree examples.
  3. Reading #2 (how tsearch2 works).
  4. Start programming in Java on programming assignment #1.

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