Chris Pollett > Students >

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    [CS 297 Proposal]

    [Initial mockup with API - PDF]

    [Deliverable 1]

    [Deliverable 2]

    [Deliverable 3]

    [Deliverable 4]

    [AI Component]

    [CS 297 Report - PDF]

    [CS 298 Proposal]

    [CS 298 Report - PDF]

    [CS 298 Slide Deck - PDF]


The AI component which contains two layers. The first layer is where neural networks were used to filter the options that are irrelevant for an average user. The second layer also used neural networks, but it focused on ranking the options that are filtered by the the first layer for a specific user


1. First Layer
  • Embedding Layer
  • Flatten Layer
  • Three Fully Connected Layers
  • Two Dropout Layers
2. Second Layers
  • Long Short Term Memory Layer
  • Three Fully Connected Layers
Zip folder for implementation:
AI component with