Chris Pollett >
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GNUchess program's PVS AlgorithmDescription: Researched and understood how PVS algorithm works in GNUchess program. In order to understand the algorithm I implemented the Alpha-Beta cutoffs algorithm and Principal Variation Search algorithm and ran it on sample input values. Figure 1: Sample gametree for comparing Alpha-Beta and PVS algorithm.
Example 1:Output generated by Alpha-Beta cutoffs program: In regular minimax, all nodes would have been visited.
Total number of nodes = 15 Example 2:Output generated by PVS program:
For the same gametree, the number of nodes visited using PVS is 13.
However, if the following values are put into the tree: So, when PVS finds that minimax at node N6 = 11, it knows that the previous assumption of cutting off N12 = 10 was incorrect. So, it has to now search N12 with alpha = 9, beta = 2147483647 score = 10. The above example illustrates two important things:
Output generated by GNUchess program with my printfs showing tree depths, scores, Alpha Beta values and PV Nodes.Example 3: Move 1 Initial RootPV = 3299 Example 4: Move 2 Initial RootPV = 4013.
The computer initially generates a PVRoot and the rest of the moves
from the hash table. These moves are generated based on the scores
by the Evaluate() function.
In the above case, till depth 6 (ply=6), the computer could not
find a high score for the set of moves and it still had time to think of new moves. It generated a new move (Nc6) for which the
new score returned was better than the current best and also
better than alpha.
This move (Nc6) became the new RootPV. Example 5: Move 3 In this case FAIL HIGH is hit. A score > Beta was returned. The alpha-beta windows had to be readjusted (RootAlpha = 38, RootBeta = 32767) and search had to be done in a regular alpha beta manner. However the final move did not change. Example 6: Move 4 In this case FAIL LOW case is hit. A score < Alpha was returned. The alpha-beta windows had to be readjusted (RootAlpha = -32767, RootBeta = 1177) and search had to be done in a regular alpha beta manner. However the final move did not change. Example 6: Final move. The computer got a very good score at Idepth = 1. It did not have to search beyond that PVS Code/* * chess.h has the node struct and the gametree defined */ #include "chess.h" /* * PVS algorithm with alphabeta */ static int minimaxAB(struct node *n, int a, int b) { boolean_t fFoundPv = FALSE; int newb; int val; int newa; if (n->child == NULL) { return n->value; } n->alpha = INT_MIN; n->beta = INT_MAX; if (n->knd == Min) { struct node *r; for (r = n->child; r != NULL; r = r->sibling) { newb = MIN(b, n->beta); if (fFoundPv == TRUE) { printf("Calling1 minimaxAB with Minimal Window %d %d\n", a, a+1); val = minimaxAB(r, a, a + 1); if ((val > a) && (val < newb)) { val = minimaxAB(r, a, newb); } } else { val = minimaxAB(r, a, newb); } printf("minimax at node %s, alpha = %d, beta = %d score = %d\n", r->name, a, newb, val); n->beta = MIN(n->beta, val); if (a >= n->beta) { int nline = FALSE; if (r->sibling) { printf("\nCUTOFF for %s because alpha %d >= beta %d\n", n->name, a, n->beta); nline = TRUE; } for (r = r->sibling; r != NULL; r = r->sibling) { printf("Nodes cutoff: %s\n", r->name); } if (nline == TRUE) { printf("\n"); } break; } } return n->beta; } else { struct node *r; for (r = n->child; r != NULL; r = r->sibling) { newa = MAX(a, n->alpha); if (fFoundPv == TRUE) { printf("Calling2 minimaxAB with Minimal Window %d %d\n", newa, newa + 1); val = minimaxAB(r, newa, newa + 1); if ((val > newa) && (val < b)) { val = minimaxAB(r, newa, b); } } else { val = minimaxAB(r, newa, b); } printf("minimax at node %s, alpha = %d, beta = %d score = %d\n", r->name, newa, b, val); if (val > n->alpha) { printf("Found PVNode. val = %d, alpha = %d, beta = %d\n", val, n->alpha, b); n->alpha = val; fFoundPv = TRUE; } if (n->alpha >= b) { int nline = FALSE; if (r->sibling) { printf("\nCUTOFF For %s because alpha %d >= beta %d\n", n->name, n->alpha, b); nline=TRUE; } for (r = r->sibling; r != NULL; r = r->sibling) { printf("Nodes cutoff: %s\n", r->name); } if (nline == TRUE) { printf("\n"); } break; } } return n->alpha; } } int main() { int val; #if 0 printNode(game1); #endif val = minimaxAB(game1, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); printf("\nPVS Alpha Beta Minimax at root position %s is: %d\n", game1[0].name, val); return 0; } |